Illegal wiretapping

What Is the Government’s Agenda?

USA: Where there is No Democracy that Holds Government Accountable; Only a Brainwashed People who are Chaff in the Wind
It has been public information for a decade that the US government secretly, illegally, and unconstitutionally spies on its citizens. Congress and the federal courts have done nothing about this extreme violation of the US Constitution and statutory law, and the insouciant US public seems unperturbed.

What Is the Government’s Agenda?

USA: Where there is No Democracy that Holds Government Accountable; Only a Brainwashed People who are Chaff in the Wind
It has been public information for a decade that the US government secretly, illegally, and unconstitutionally spies on its citizens. Congress and the federal courts have done nothing about this extreme violation of the US Constitution and statutory law, and the insouciant US public seems unperturbed.

Pardon Me for Taking Offense with Your ‘Pardon- Seeking’ Petition

Do Not Mix Up Criminals with Whistleblowers
Someone had the gall to send me this pathetically misguided, ignorant, and demeaning petition requesting a Governmental Pardon for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
I say pathetic because I believe this was a genuine attempt to support this courageous whistleblower, but instead became an establishment-supporting, insulting and self-defeating petition due to the authors’-organizers’ ignorance.

Pardon Me for Taking Offense with Your ‘Pardon- Seeking’ Petition

Do Not Mix Up Criminals with Whistleblowers
Someone had the gall to send me this pathetically misguided, ignorant, and demeaning petition requesting a Governmental Pardon for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
I say pathetic because I believe this was a genuine attempt to support this courageous whistleblower, but instead became an establishment-supporting, insulting and self-defeating petition due to the authors’-organizers’ ignorance.

President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

“And to the comfort offered by senators Chambliss, Graham, and Feinstein, who ask us to sleep well and sleep long, there is a simple reply. In what country do they think they are living, and under what constitution?”
By John Stanton
It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM.

President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

“And to the comfort offered by senators Chambliss, Graham, and Feinstein, who ask us to sleep well and sleep long, there is a simple reply. In what country do they think they are living, and under what constitution?”
By John Stanton
It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM.