Illegal Surveillance

CONFIRMED: Trump supporters under surveillance during US election

A few weeks ago I wrote that the real scandal of the US election was not the absurd Russiagate scandal but the growing evidence that the Obama administration used the scandal as cover to place under surveillance by the US security services during the election supporters of Donald Trump against whom there was no evidence that they had done anything illegal or wrong.

Time to Raise Political Asylum Quotas for Americans?

Here is Where the USA Should Top the List: the International Quota for Political Refugees
I don’t know how you feel about surveys, ranking or indexes, but whether you follow them or not, you must be aware of how we’ve been falling steadily as a nation. Those of you who follow lists-surveys and global indexes, let’s admit it- as a nation we have not been going up on most global ranking lists – in fact, just the opposite.

Pardon Me for Taking Offense with Your ‘Pardon- Seeking’ Petition

Do Not Mix Up Criminals with Whistleblowers
Someone had the gall to send me this pathetically misguided, ignorant, and demeaning petition requesting a Governmental Pardon for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
I say pathetic because I believe this was a genuine attempt to support this courageous whistleblower, but instead became an establishment-supporting, insulting and self-defeating petition due to the authors’-organizers’ ignorance.

The United States of America: A Four-Branch-Police State

Long Running, Long-Known NSA Illegalities & Long-Ignored NSA Whistleblowers
Yesterday a long-known but long-covered up report on the extent of NSA’s illegal spying on millions of Americans was made public. Interestingly this outrageous American scandal was revealed and reported not by an American media outlet but by one outside the United States. That alone should tell you a lot.