
DCCC Up To Their Old, Failed Tricks In IL-08

The other day, a Member of Congress asked me if there's ever been a good DCCC chairman. My memory doesn't stretch all the way back to 1868, although the first chairman, James Rood Doolittle (WI), was a Democrat and then a Republican and then a Democrat again. He was a fanatic opponent of the 15th Amendment, which granted citizenship-- and the right to vote-- to the freed slaves after the Civil War.

Mr. Noland Goes to Washington: To Fight for the Middle Class

Last month we met Elgin-based Illinois state Senator Mike Noland as he weighed the notion of running for the IL-08 congressional seat that Tammy Duckworth is giving up to run for the U.S. Senate. Nolan is far more progressive, not just than anyone the GOP would ever put up, but than the professional class of political hack the DCCC is likely to rally around.