
Congress Needs More Activists In Its Ranks-- Meet Chicago's Kina Collins

I have a hard job at Blue America-- figuring out how a candidate is going to behave once they get into Congress. It's less about looking into a crystal ball, though, and more about looking into their hearts. With some of the candidates we vet, it takes weeks or even months. With Kina Collins, it took a couple of days-- really just a couple of hours. Blue America will never have to push Congresswoman Collins on anything-- anymore than we ever have to push AOC or Rashid Tlaib on anything.

Democratic House Primaries Around The Country-- And Blue Dog Collin Peterson Finally Gets One, But He Looks Worse Than Peterson!

As you know, Cheri Bustos-- with the support of Pelosi and Hoyer-- has moved to ban primaries against incumbent Democrats. The policy is tremendously unpopular and people who never even knew what the DCCC is re now hating it. Thanks to Bustos, the DCCC has become a dark spot against Democrats. Way to go!