Igor Danchenko

The British Imperial Hand Behind Russiagate and Global Governance Exposed Again

The results of the Durham Report released on May 15 after a four year inquiry into the claims of ‘Russian interference’ into the US elections of 2016 not only provided a devastating critique of the abuses of the FBI and Clinton Machine, but also a vast international intelligence operation managed by British Intelligence directed straight Read More...

Russiagate is a 100 percent fake story, Part III: The Brookings Institution and Ukraine [Video]

As our series continues, we briefly refer to the earlier parts of it: The first part of this series lays out the claim that we believe Russiagate to be a complete and total fabrication, mainly used by Democrats to damage or control President Trump, and also utilized by GOP people who wish to use it as a cover for their own Deep State activities, which are notably hostile to an increasingly Christian, traditionalist Russia.