
US-Israel Predictably Behind Turkish Aggression in Syria

Washington and Tel Aviv are still actively coordinating their efforts to destabilize Syria.
Tony Cartalucci
21st Century Wire
Turkey’s ongoing fighting in northern Syria’s Idlib governorate was – from the beginning of recent escalations – clearly a continuation of Washington’s wider now 9 year-long proxy war against Damascus.

The Battle for Idlib: Did Erdogan Capitulate to Putin in Moscow?

There was a celebration in Syria when Russia announced a ceasefire agreement with Turkey on March 3 following a six-hour meeting between Presidents Erdogan and Putin in Moscow. Under the agreement, Erdogan agreed to pull back Turkish forces and not to contest territory that Syria had recently reclaimed from terrorist groups in eastern Aleppo and southern Idlib provinces. In fact, Turkey agreed not to intervene against Syrian troops in any of the areas from which it pulled back, in effect allowing Syrian forces to reclaim even more of its territory from terrorists in southern Idlib.

Guilty until proven innocent (again): UN report on alleged Russian ‘war crimes’ in Syria is based on ‘We Say So’ & unnamed sources

March 7, 2020,

-Eva Bartlett

A UN-mandated report, which accuses Russia of war crimes in Syria, heavily relies on anonymous sources and lacks evidence, but also smacks of deliberate disinformation that is halting the eradication of terrorism in Idlib.

White Helmet signs in areas of west Aleppo infested by Al Qaeda and Nour Al Din Zinki armed groups.

2nd March 2020 - driving from the city of Aleppo to Urem Al Kubra, the furthest point in west Aleppo before reaching the terrorist frontlines. These areas were occupied by HTS or Al Qaeda in Syria and Nour Al Din Zinki, child beheading extremist group backed by the US as part of the "train and equip" programme.

On the ground in Idlib -Vanessa Beeley interviewed by Robin Philpot (French)

Cette guerre livrée à la Syrie depuis 2011, rappelle Vanessa Beeley, est une invasion et une occupation menées par des groupes terroristes financés et soutenus notamment par Washington, Londres, Paris mais aussi par la Turquie et Israël. Libérer le territoire syrien n'est ni plus ni moins la seule façon de faire respecter le droit international et de rétablir la paix.