
Does God Exist? DEBATE: Jay Dyer Vs Robert Taylor – PARTS 1 & 2

Part 1

Part 2

Robert’s Channel PraxGirl is here. 

The knock down secret argument of praxeologist Robert Taylor is here to stump me! I invited him on to let him set up the challenge that it’s logically impossible for there to be a God. I haven’t heard his argument but he issued a challenge and we will see what he brings to the table.

Forming a Conscious Relationship with the Unconscious for Freedom

The Unconscious and it’s Meaningful Coincidences The moment I became open to the possibility of a synchronistic function of reality was when I began to notice it. Distinguishing this pattern has transformed into a process of how I see the intimate relationship between my inner “I”, and the external world around me―also a part of […]

Agorism: Transcend Politics for Real Solutions

We all wish wish we could use our work to shape the world around us and make it a better place.. especially by doing the things we are passionate about. Well, I love to be the bearer of good news… because we can! Yes, that’s a thing. It’s called agorism: an innovative way of using […]
The post Agorism: Transcend Politics for Real Solutions appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

JaysAnalysis: Basic Metaphysics – Logos and Logoi (Half)

This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year. In this talk, I give a basic introduction to classical metaphysics and theology based on St. John of Damascus’ Fount of Knowledge: The Philosophical Chapters. We cover the seminal terms and concepts and how they relate to forming a proper worldview and critical thinking, and how the modern world has robbed us of this inheritance.

Fractals Shifting Your Paradigm

Given recent discussions and critiques, I thought a decent documentary on fractals would be beneficial. Simply put, the fractal is too complex to demonstrate without computer imagery. These complex forms, based on sets, demonstrate infinities are realities, and not merely a nominalist, “limiting factor” token symbol humans have “invented” or socially constructed. Despite the absurdity of the scientists in the documentary positing “natural selection” as the “creator” of fractals, the obvious truth is that they point directly to telos in nature, and thus God.

JaysAnalysis: Mystical Meaning of the Allegory of the Cave (Half)

In this half talk, we come to the most important image in the history of western thought and philosophy, the allegory of the cave and the Platonic epistemology and metaphysic. Exemplifying in lucid terms exactly what Plato/Socrates thought about gnosis and statecraft, my talk demystifies and debunks the common misappropriation and misuse of this allegory.