
How Much Better Off Would America Be If Trump Becomes Infected A Goes To Meet Satan?

Die For Me by Nancy OhanianIn 1969 I bought a VW van in Wiesbaden, Germany and drove to India. When I drove back to Europe a couple of years later, I was sick and penniless and stranded. I made my way to Amsterdam and lived in my van and ate rice and vegetables everyday for a dollar at a macrobiotic restaurant in the city's meditation center, the Kosmos.

Too Many Multimillionaires In Congress? How Many Are Too Many? How Rich Is Too Rich?

In 2014 the Center for Responsive Politics analyzed the personal financial disclosure data from 2012 of the 534 then-current members of Congress and found that, for the first time, more than half had an average net worth of $1 million or more: 268 to be exact, up from 257 the year earlier. All those rich people... do they understand what most Americans go through? Can they even begin to understand?

You Don't Need To Be A Career Politician To Run For Office... But There ARE Worse Things Than Career Politicians

It isn't only the KKK and American Nazis who have been inspired by Trump's candidacy. All kinds of egomaniacs with gigantic senses of entitlement and self-importance want to run for office as well. Kanye West must have thought that if Trump can get as far as he is, how hard could it be? And this week we have Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who says his policy positions aren't the same as Trump's but--

Who Will Save Atlantic City? Certainly Not Carl Icahn And Chris Christie

New Jersey voters reelected Chris Christie with their eyes open; after a first term of breathtaking-- even for New Jersey-- corruption and non-stop, unabashed catering to Big Bucks special interests, they knew exactly what they were getting. And now the chickens are coming home to roost. New Jersey's economy is in turmoil as their governor spends his time jockeying for position inside his crazy right-wing ideological political party.