Ian Welsh

Ian Welsh Muses On "The Terrible Impulse To Rally Around Bad Leaders In A Crisis"

"When do we get back to normal? I don't think we get back to normal," said my governor earlier this week. (After a long "standby" period, the action starts at 36:13 of the clip.) "I think," he went on to say, "we get to a new normal," adding later, "Let's make sure we're getting the positive lesson, not the negative one." What he had to say, I thought, was pretty darned smart.

Has Anyone Noticed The Country Is Falling Apart-- And That We Better Make Some Changes Fast?

This is good Robert Reich clip. "To the conservative mind," he explained, "the specter of socialism conjures up a society in which no one is held accountable and no one has to work for what they receive. Yet, that's exactly the society Trump and the Republicans are promoting for the rich. Meanwhile, most Americans are subject to an increasingly harsh and arbitrary capitalism.

What's a Morally Appropriate Response to Climate Deniers?

A small part of a much larger infographic showing our bright bright technical future. None of this will happen.by Gaius PubliusWhat's a morally appropriate response to climate deniers?What's a morally appropriate response to those who enable mass murder?This short piece is the start of a much longer consideration of the state of the U.S.

Is Jeremy Corbyn the only British pol who "gets" the significance of the apparent war crimes of Tony Blair & Co.?

One of these war criminals-in-chief is the Brits' problem; the other's ours."[A]s I’m sure you’ve noticed, the people who fear actual left-wingers or people of principle the most aren’t Tories, they are Blairites."-- Ian Welsh, in "Blair et al. Committed War Crimes"by KenOf course we shouldn't be talking just about British pols.

Ian Welsh: "We are ruled by people who are what they have been conditioned to be" -- and look at the results

Insiders know stuff they don't want us outsiders ever to."These policies are insane, if one assumes a minimum of public spiritedness. They have not worked. They will not work."But they do work in the social sense: They create successful lives for the people who devise and implement them.

Is the world economy headed into the dumper? One thing's sure, says Ian Welsh: Western elites are losing control of the global economic narrative

"[T]here is more pain to come, but there always was. The decision was made in 2008 and 2009 to not allow an actual recovery and to protect the rich at all costs. There was a cost; it has been paid for the last six years, and this is yet and simply another one of those costs.