Ian Drury

Even In Oklahoma Some Voters Realize Trump Sold Them A Bill Of Goods

Cone Of Shame by Nancy OhanianOklahoma is a Republican hellhole. The Governor is a crackpot Republican as are both U.S. Senators. Of the 5 members of Congress, the only Democrat is Blue Dog Kendra Horn, who is so far right that there are, from time to time, mainstream House Republicans less extreme than she is. The state Senate has 9 Democrats-- and 39 Republicans and the state House has 76 Republicans and 25 Democrats.

David Byrne Is Optimistic-- And #1

When I was considering an offer I got to work at Sire Records one of the big factors in the "plus" column is that label founder Seymour Stein had signed an amazing roster of the artists I liked listening to and playing on my San Francisco radio show. One of those artists was David Byrne, then lead singer of Talking Heads. I don't think there's any artist's music I listen to more now-- 4 decades later!-- than David Byrne's songs, his Talking Heads music and his solo projects.