
“Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health into a Patient-Killing Experiment”

Catte Black Potentially lethal doses of the therapeutic drug hydroxychloroquine are being administered in ‘clinical trials’, sometimes without patient consent. Nearly a quarter of those participating in one such trial subsequently died. From the beginning of the SARS-COV-2/COVID19 pandemic rollout there have been disturbing hints, rumours and even overt whistleblower claims of seemingly gross medical …

The “Deadly” Hydroxychloroquine Publishing Scandal

Elizabeth Woodworth Summary A publishing scandal recently erupted around the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid 19. It is also known as quinine and chloroquine, and is on the WHO list of essential medicines. The bark of the South American quina-quina tree has been used to treat malaria for 400 years. …

White Supremacy is more deadly than COVID-19. Who knew? [Video]

Yes, we wrote about this before, in a recent piece entitled “Coronavirus not dangerous – if you are leftist protesting racism.” Most folks appear to be unaware of this piece, and that is fine. Sometimes a snappy headline draws more clicks. But, the funny thing is that this statement was supposed to be snark, illustrating how idiotic the motivation behind the race rioting is.

The Giant Virus in the Room: Corporate Vaccine Makers Need More Pandemics, to Grow

As drug makers prepare to make a killing on supposed vaccines against COVID-19, it is important, particularly for those who consider vaccines to be a wise investment today, or those whose retirement savings might get invested in such vaccines without their knowledge, to reflect on the fact that corporations are themselves viruses that can only […]