
Jeff Berwick Interview – Understanding Anarchy, Israeli False Flags & What Happened At Anarchapulco?

Joining me today is Jeff Berwick, founder of Anarchapulco, here to discuss a major hurricane that recently hit the Anarchapulco event in Mexico — which received shockingly little coverage — and why he feels this was actually an attack on the event itself. We also discuss his opinions surrounding the developing story of October 7th, Read More...

A real moment with Donald Trump and First Responders [Video]

A bit of positivity to start off the month of September. While visiting the areas devastated by Hurricane Laura last week, President Trump spent some time with first responders from Lake Charles. His interaction with the men was Trump as he has always been. Not one to act “presidential” but rather, being the everyman who happens to be elected president of this nation is a great sign that he is truly with the American people as one of us.
… not as some elite hidden in a basement somewhere.
See for yourself.


10 Chilling Scenes Showing Hurricane Florence’s Destruction in the Carolinas

(ANTIMEDIA) — Before Hurricane Florence made landfall, evacuation advisories were issued to over a million residents. Though the 400 mile-wide storm, which hit the Carolinas early Friday morning but brought storms and flooding the day before, has been downgraded to a Category 1 storm, it has still caused widespread flooding and damages. Wind speeds hit 105 mph North Carolina, and […]

The US Government Has Experimented With Controlling Hurricanes

The 2017 hurricane season has wrought more damage on the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast of the United States than any season in the last decade. Tropical Storm Harvey smashed into the Gulf, temporarily swallowing Houston and other low lying areas. Meanwhile, Hurricane Irma caused millions of dollars in damage to Florida, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands, leaving millions without power and water.

The Tragedy of Puerto Rico

The tragedy of Puerto Rico is that it assumed – incorrectly – that it would be protected and prosperous as an American colony because America is so rich and powerful, and that from there it could eventually become the 51st American state, thus gaining a voice and votes in the American Congress, which determines how the benefits of American wealth and power are distributed.
What Puerto Rico failed to realize is that both individuals and nations that are rich and powerful did not become that way by being generous and inclusive.