Hunter S. Thompson

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI wish so much that Hunter S. Thompson was still alive and writing today but, very sadly, his words still fit our current culture all too well. In fact, the Kingdom Of Fear has metastasized and grown exponentially.I also wouldn't mind seeing a truly left candidate dispense with the banality of pointless politeness and speak truth to power like he did, and do it from a debate stage live on prime time TV.

“It’s Never As It Seems, Bubba”

We are required to unquestioningly praise the U.S. Military for keeping us free, and protecting us from the villains du jour, in spite of the fact that it is really nothing more than a band of merciless mercenaries, hired by Wall Street to rob, rape, and pillage the resources of other countries. Amerika is in the business of war…nay, is dedicated, heart and soul, to the manufacture, sale, and use of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
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