
Is Darwinism Collapsing? Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covers some of the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. In the second hour, we’ll connect with Jay Dyer, author of the best-selling Esoteric Hollywood book series, to talk about the recent push-back by leading academics against Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

Did This Film PREDICT the Roman Catholic Scandals AND HEREDITARY?

A lesser known film based on Dennis Wheatley’s esoteric novels and in the vein of The Devil Rides Our, which I covered in my first book, Esoteric Hollywood. In the last couple decades the Roman Church has been plagued with scandals that are not, in fact, new. Did Wheatley, with his connections know inside info? Did you know he was an insider with Crowley? Check out my analysis of To The Devil A Daughter.

Påven är en hycklare

En fatwa hade möjligen varit väntad. Men en... bannbulla, typ?Det handlar om den idéströmning som driver icke-aggressionsprincipen längst av alla – libertarianismen.Påven ogillar den öppet. Han menar bland annat att den inte verkar för det allmännas bästa.Ursäkta? En rimligt fri ekonomi (som är ett av libertarianismens ben) är det enda som förmår att åstadkomma frivilligt, spontant samarbete för att skapa allt sådant som människor behöver i ett samhälle.

Technocracy vs. Humanism (Then and Now)

In his recent book Harvard and the Unabomber, Alston Chase describes how Theodore Kaczynski, a 16-year-old Harvard student in 1958, suffered traumatizing abuse as an unwitting test-subject in a CIA-connected psychology experiment designed to manipulate human behavior under intensive isolation and harsh interrogation (and also ultimately: LSD and torture).  This humiliating, formative experience, Chase argues, shaped Kaczynski’s dislike for the techno-scientific manipulation and control of human beings.  But Chase also maintains that the Harvard Gen Ed.