Human rights

Health and Human Rights in Gaza: Shame on the World

[Preliminary Note: This post devoted to health and human rights in Gaza. It is based on a video presentation some weeks ago to a conference on this theme held in Gaza. It makes no effort to update by reference to the latest cycle of violence sparked by the targeted assassination of Baha Abu-Ata, an Islamic Jihad military commander, on November 12. I feel strongly about the issues raised by this post not only because I have witnessed living conditions in Gaza and have friends in Gaza who have endured hardship and injustice for so long without losing their warmth or even their hope.

Statement of Preliminary Findings of a Fact-Finding visit to Assam on the Updating of the NRC

  Between the 5th and 10th of November 2019, a nine person team comprising of members of Women against Sexual Violence and State repression (WSS) visited the state of Assam in order to understand the implications of updating the National Register of Citizens (NRC), particularly for the most marginalised people of Assam. The team travelled to the Barak Valley region,[Read More...]

Recognition of a Palestinian state without liberation is an illusion

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | November 26, 2019 During the Berlin European Council summit in 1999, the European Union declared “its readiness to consider the recognition of a Palestinian state in due course” and conditionally dependent upon the Oslo framework, as well as “Israel’s security and Israel’s acceptance as an equal partner in the […]

The Lies About Assange Must Stop Now

If Julian Assange were to succumb to the cruelties heaped upon him, week after week, month after month, year upon year, as doctors warn, newspapers like The Guardian will share the responsibility, writes John Pilger. Newspapers and other media in the United States and Britain have recently declared a passion for freedom of speech, especially their right to publish freely.  They are worried by the “Assange[Read More...]

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Billionaire Mikhael Mirilashvili and his son Yitzhakis with Israeli minister Yaffa Deri. By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | November 24, 2019 The World Jewish Congress (WJC), which calls itself “The Representative Body of over 100 Jewish Communities Worldwide,” held its annual gala at the Pierre hotel in New York City on Nov. 6. […]

Swedish Probe Collapse Shows Bogus Case for Assange’s Detention

Julian Assange should be living his life as a free man, enjoying his family, breathing fresh air, and being able to pursue his award-winning journalism and publishing.
That’s the only conclusion one has to draw from this week’s announcement by Swedish prosecutors that they were dropping a preliminary probe into sex-offense accusations made against Assange nearly a decade ago.

Palestinian Journalist Loses Left Eye after Being Shot by Israeli Sniper

Palestine Chronicle – November 20, 2019 Doctors at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem yesterday removed the eye of Palestinian photojournalist Moath Amarneh who was shot by an Israeli sniper on Friday. A committee of specialists decided that Amarneh’s left eye must be removed along with the bullet which is logged in it. Surgery to do this […]

So much for the #Resistance! While all eyes were on impeachment hearing, House re-authorized PATRIOT Act

RT | November 20, 2019 House Democrats have slipped an unqualified renewal of the draconian PATRIOT Act into an emergency funding bill – voting near-unanimously for sweeping surveillance carte blanche that was the basis for the notorious NSA program. A three-month reauthorization of the notorious PATRIOT Act was shoehorned into a last-minute continuing resolution (CR) […]