Human rights

Saudi Arabia launches new campaign of arrests against Palestinian expats

MEMO | February 14, 2020 Saudi Arabia has launched a new campaign of arbitrary arrests against several Palestinian expatriates living in the kingdom for supporting the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas. The Prisoners of Conscience Twitter account which monitors the conditions of prisoners in Saudi Arabia said it has received “confirmed information” that the Saudi authorities […]

Palestinian Minor Reveals Harrowing Details in Israeli Custody

Palestine Chronicle | February 13, 2020 In a testimony made through his lawyer to the Committee of Prisoners and Former Prisoners Affairs, Palestinian teenage prisoner Mahmoud Thawabteh revealed details about the difficult conditions inside Israeli prisons. Thawabteh, 17, was arrested from his house in Beit Fajjar in eastern Bethlehem when Israeli occupation soldiers stormed the […]

Israel prosecutes leaders from Golan for opposing wind turbines

MEMO | February 13, 2020 The Israeli Magistrates Court in Nazareth held trial Tuesday evening of well-respected leaders from the occupied Golan, who opposed the Israeli project to install wind turbines to produce energy over large areas, estimated at thousands of dunums of the Golan lands. Hundreds of people from the villages of the occupied […]

Is It Time for a Parliamentary Inquiry Into the German State Broadcaster, Given the Number of Grave Allegations Against Its Management?

Deutsche Welle rarely gets in the news, least of all for breaking any stories. If you’re Muslim with a background in journalism or simply and attractive woman though, working there comes with a high price. But if it’s not a news organisation, then what exactly is DW?
“What do I do if I have a breaking news story here in Beirut?” I asked tentatively to my German co-worker in the infamous ‘Planning’ department of Germany’s state broadcaster Deutsche Welle, over the telephone from Beirut.
“Pitch it at the weekly meeting” she replied.

UK Will Make Facebook Responsible for Harmful Content as Ofcom is Set to Have More Powers – Report

Sputnik – February 12, 2020 Facebook and some other social media companies have recently come under fire for failing to remove allegedly misleading and harmful content from their platforms. Now, British regulatory authority Ofcom is reportedly set to be given a role in policing social media companies. Britain’s media watchdog Ofcom will have more power […]

Trudeau is buddies with murderous African dictator

By Yves Engler · February 12, 2020 Justin Trudeau wants us to know he’s buddies with Africa’s most ruthless dictator. At the recent African Union Summit in Ethiopia Trudeau met Paul Kagame. The Prime Minister’s press people released a photo of him laughing with the Rwandan President and announced that the two discussed the upcoming […]

US Ambassador sends strong message to Netanyahu: patience, young grasshopper, you’ll annex the West Bank soon

By Sarah Abed | February 11, 2020 On January 28th, United States President Donald Trump accompanied by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top advisor/son-in-law Jared Kushner unveiled the much anticipated so-called “Deal of the Century” also referred to as the “Mideast Peace Plan”. The deal greenlighted the annexation of Palestinian land, subjugation of Palestinians, […]

Exposed: The “Con of The Century” Will Not Bring Peace

State of Palestine, PLO Negotiations Affairs Department | February 9, 2020 Everything you need to know about Trump’s “apartheid” deal : 1. Does the plan, presented by U.S. President Trump, support an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, or a Greater Israel between the river Jordan and the Mediterranean?  The plan outrageously […]

Israel hands Sheikh Raed Salah 28-month jail term

MEMO | February 10, 2020 An Israeli court today sentenced Palestinian resistance icon Sheikh Raed Salah to 28 months in prison, stoking strong condemnation of the country’s legal system and the suppression of free speech. Salah received a 28-month prison sentence from the Haifa Magistrate’s Court for remarks he had made at a funeral in […]

Kissing International Law Goodbye to Satisfy Israeli Greed

By Stuart Littlewood | American Herald Tribune | February 10, 2020 Palestinian chiefs say that Trump’s so-called peace plan contains 300 violations of international law and they will take it up with the Security Council. That’s nearly two violations per page. Given the document was put together by America and Israel, both lawless and criminal […]