Human rights

Viral Video Exposes Israeli Practice of Holding and Desecrating Palestinian Bodies

Jerusalem, Palestine — The Israeli public relations machine is once again making attempts to obfuscate and justify the actions of its army along the Gaza fence. The Gaza Strip, which holds two million Palestinians captive without access to clean water, food or medical supplies, is also subjected to ongoing military attacks by the Israeli army. Though it is impossible to judge which of the countless crimes the state of Israel has committed is the cruelest, some stand out more than others.

Assange Faces Extradition and Then a Secret Court Where No-One Has Ever Been Acquitted

Last November, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, expressed alarm at the continued deterioration of Julian Assange’s health since his arrest and detention earlier this year, saying his life was at risk. Melzer accused the UK government of inflicting torture and breaking international laws and norms. The inevitability of Assange’s extradition is in no doubt – then Assange faces a secret court in America with a rigged jury where not one person has been acquitted – ever.

Switzerland at the Heart of a Far-Reaching Surveillance Network Facilitating the U.S.-Backed Operation Condor

The atrocities of Operation Condor – the U.S.-backed covert plan by Argentina, Chile, Brazil Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia to eliminate left-wing influence in Latin America – have been gradually revealed through declassified documents that detail the diplomatic manoeuvring and state terror that left tens of thousands of people killed, tortured and disappeared. Argentina is estimated to have the highest death toll with over 30,000 dictatorship opponents killed and disappeared.

Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

The Trump-Kushner ‘Peace’ Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it’s exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump are always accompanied by their shared comfort animal, the elephant in the room (Photo-collage by If Americans Knew) By Kathryn […]