Human rights

 The US and UK may not will Assange’s death, but everything they are doing makes it more likely

There was a hope in some quarters after Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled on Monday against an application to extradite Julian Assange to the US, where he faced being locked away for the rest of his life, that she might finally be changing tack. Washington has wanted Assange permanently silenced and made an example of – by demonstrating to other journalists[Read More...]

Are The US And Israel Planning War On Iran, Using False-Flag Pretext?

The US policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran, via sanctions, has only escalated during the final months of Donald Trump’s presidency. Possible strikes on Iran by the United States are being taken seriously as Iran’s foreign minister claims Israel could be planning false-flag attacks to ignite a war. Iran’s Foriegn Minister, Javad Zarif, warned on Read More...

Proxy Jailor: Denying Assange Bail

History, while not always a telling guide, can be useful.  But in moments of flushed confidence, it is not consulted and Cleo is forgotten.  A crisp new dawn can negate a glance to the past.  Having received the unexpected news that Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States for charges of breaching the Espionage Act of 1917 and computer intrusion[Read More...]

How You can Receive early Effective Treatment for Covid – Experimental Vaccines Not Needed!

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News Dr. Simone Gold, head of America’s Frontline Doctors, and Dr. Pierre Kory, head of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), both represent hundreds of doctors in the U.S. who have successfully treated and cured patients diagnosed with COVID19. Both of these doctors have testified to the politicians in […]

Police Demand Power to Force Entry Into Homes of Suspected Lockdown Violators

It went from “just wear the mask” to this By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | January 6, 2021 Police are demanding new powers to force entry into the homes of suspected lockdown violators after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a new national lockdown in England. The call was made by David Jamieson, the […]

New York’s new law setting up detention centers to lock up suspected Covid-19 cases heralds a Kafkaesque nightmare

By Helen Buyniski | RT | January 5, 2021 The New York legislature is weighing a bill that would let the authorities take anyone suspected of having or being exposed to a contagious disease and hold them indefinitely – even forcibly medicating them. Under the new law, New Yorkers may be dragged out of their […]