Human rights

Assam: Violation of human rights of detainees under The Foreigners Act

To Secretary National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Sir, I refer to my letters dated 4-1-2021 & 16-1-2021 on violation of human rights of the detainees under the the Foreigners Act, 1946, the Foreigners (Tribunals For Assam) Order, 2006 and the other related laws in force in Assam. I have enclosed here copies of the two letters for your ready reference.[Read More...]

France: Macron Government Looks to Outlaw More Anti-Immigration Activist Groups

By Eric Striker | National Justice | February 20, 2021 Two Jewish organizations in France, CRIF (Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions) and LICRA (International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism), are lobbying the embattled Emmanuel Macron government into beginning the process of outlawing Generation Identitaire (GI), a group that uses art and symbolic gestures to […]

Charities “Wasting” Money On Staff Unconscious Bias Training

By Richie Allen | February 20, 2021 Some of the UK’s biggest charities have been criticised for spending donations on “unconscious bias” training for staff. Companies pay for courses, often delivered online, where staff are taught to accept that even though they don’t think so, they are in fact inherently racist. The Red Cross and […]

DHS is paying Deranged Leftists to find a way to make you change your political beliefs

By Eric Striker | National Justice | February 19, 2021 Fresh off a summer of prolonged murder and arson organized by leftists, the Department of Homeland Security announced the lucky winners of its “domestic terrorism prevention” grant system last September. One recipient program is at American University’s School of Communications, which got $568,613 from the DHS to […]

Israel prepares law to prohibit cooperation with ICC

MEMO | February 18, 2021 Israeli authorities are preparing a law that would prohibit any cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, and would propose five years in prison for any violations of this law, RT reported yesterday. Reporting Israeli TV Channel 7, RT said the law would also include a ban on handing over Israeli nationals […]

Stop Hounding Young Climate Activists

The 101-year-old All India Catholic Union [AICU] is deeply distressed and extremely worried at the hounding of young climate change and environment activists in the country. What makes it more critical is that this form of persecution comes from both State and non-state actors, and at a time when the nation is struggling to come out of the medical and[Read More...]

Pelosi’s 9/11-Type Commission to Give More Powers to US Domestic Spying Apparatus

By Ekaterina Blinova – Sputnik – 18.02.2021 On 15 February, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced plans to form a “9/11-type commission” to probe the Capitol protests. The Dems real aim is to give more powers to US spy agencies, expand homeland security, and anti-terrorism measures and use them against the American right-wingers, US observers say. […]