Human rights

Michigan health department hit with lawsuit over refusal to share nursing home data comparable to Cuomo’s cover-up

RT | March 11, 2021 A local reporter is suing Michigan’s health department after it denied repeat requests for its nursing home data amid the Covid-19 outbreak, piling pressure on the government as lawmakers demand a probe into its pandemic response. Journalist Charlie LeDuff launched a Freedom of Information suit against the Michigan Department of Health and […]

Immediately Release Dr. GN Saibaba!

The Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. GN Saibaba organised a press conference at the Press Club of India in Delhi which was addressed by writer Arundhati Roy, former Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha D Raja, General Secretary of the National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) Muralidharan, former President of DUTA Nandita Narain,[Read More...]

COVID Kids: Protocol Demands TWO WEEKS With No Parental Contact

Rebel News | March 4, 2021 The Ezra Levant show reveals how children in Toronto, Canada who are banned from school with ‘asymptomatic’ COVID19 are being required to quarantine alone in their bedroom and have no access to their parents or siblings. ‘Solitary confinement’ for two weeks for having NO SYMPTOMS. Moreover, all the other […]

Western Media Is Using Women’s Rights In Afghanistan To Justify Continuation Of US Troop Presence

US President Joe Biden has until May 1 to pull what we’re told are the remaining 2,500 US troops out of Afghanistan, one of “forever wars” he has promised to disengage from. However, the MSM – no doubt aware of just how unlikely this move is for any US president – is working to preemptively Read More...

Palestinians are warning that Israel intends to grant citizenship to Jerusalemites

By Dr Adnan Abu Amer | MEMO | March 9, 2021 In recent weeks, Israel has circulated reports that tens of thousands of Palestinians residing in occupied Jerusalem may obtain Israeli citizenship, even though there are 330,000 of them in the eastern part of the city. The Israeli Interior Ministry has published guidelines to apply […]

Charlie Robinson Interview – COVID Manipulations, Cancel Culture Wars & The Two Party Illusion

Welcome to the TLAV Rokfin exclusive series. Joining me today is Charlie Robinson from the Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson Podcast.  Link:—COVID-Manipulations-Cancel-Culture-Wars–The-Two-Party-Illusion- Or click the image below: Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f)

Hypocritical Outrage over Khashoggi’s Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | March 9, 2021 The mainstream media is outraged over President Biden’s decision to not level sanctions on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his purported assassination of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi, who was a prominent columnist for the Washington Post. The CIA concluded that bin Salman ordered […]

WAPO Opens “Domestic Terrorist” Campaign Against Those Who Refuse the Experimental COVID Vaccines

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | March 8, 2021 And so it begins. Those of us who have been exposing the corruption in Big Pharma, and especially in the vaccine industry, for more than a decade now, knew this day was coming. It’s been coming for a long time now, but the COVID Plandemic has […]