Human rights

Telugu community in Canada raises voice for GN Saibaba

Members of the Telugu Church in Vancouver came together on Tuesday, April 6, to denounce the incarceration of the disabled Indian scholar G.N. Saibaba. A former Delhi University Professor, Saibaba continues to face inhuman conditions in an Indian jail after being convicted in 2017. First arrested on trumped-up charges in 2014, for merely speaking out against the repression of religious[Read More...]

Plandemic: Plans For ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were In Place 20 Months Before COVID-19 Outbreaks

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | April 7, 2021 The rationale currently being used by government bodies and health agencies to prepare the public for COVID-19 “Vaccine Passports” is that they are necessary due to the current COVID-19 “pandemic,” and that without such passports life cannot return to normal. Of course anyone who […]

US Colleges Tell Students They Must Be Fully Vaccinated By Autumn

By Richie Allen | April 7, 2021 At least seven colleges in the US have told students that they will not be permitted on campus this Autumn, if they cannot prove that they have been fully vaccinated. Brown, Northeastern, Cornell, Rutgers, Fort Lewis, Nova Southeastern and St. Edward’s, are among a growing number of academic […]

Dr. Fauci Can’t Explain Why Texas COVID Cases Keep Dropping Despite Reopening

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | April 6, 2021 More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health “experts” to warn about […]

Hospital Medical Director: Sickness in NHS staff after Covid Vaccination is “Unprecedented”

The Daily Expose | April 4, 2021 The Medical Director of a hospital in the United Kingdom has bravely spoken out against the failure to report the reality of morbidity caused by the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out across the United Kingdom to NHS staff. Dr Polyakova, who is the Medical Director of a hospital in Kent […]

GASS condemns role of NIA to cover up the Vakapalli rape case

Bhubaneswar: The Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan (GASS) condemns the witch-hunting of the National Investigation Authority (NIA) officials against the human and democratic rights activists from Andra Pradesh and Telangana in the name of so-called “Maoist links “. It is reported in various National dailies that the NIA officials conducted raids at 31 residential places of the human rights activist and arrested[Read More...]