Human rights

Moderna “Vaccine” Wreaks Havoc in BC and Local Doctor Blows Whistle

Sixth Sense | April 17, 2021 @DRutter: INVITE$/invite/@DRutter:9 Please listen to and share this powerful front-line testimony. Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia tells how the Moderna “vaccine” has decimated the health of his small town, after they had no trouble naturally fending off Covid last year. Now, many residents can’t sleep, their […]

Rally in support of Ambedkar’s grandson-in-law held outside Indian Visa and Passport Application Center

Close to the first anniversary of the arrest of a renowned Indian scholar, members of Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI) held a demonstration in Surrey on Sunday, April 18. Anand Teltumbde, a well-known author and columnist, was arrested last year on April 14 under trumped up charges for merely questioning the power and standing up for the poor and[Read More...]

Pam Africa: As Mumia Awaits Heart Surgery, I am Issuing a Challenge to CNN’s Michael Smerconish and DA Larry Krasner

(PHOTO: Pam Africa presents the first issue of The Jamal Journal outside of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office on March 12, 2021. Pam has repeatedly attempted to meet with DA Krasner but he has always refused to meet with her.  Photo by Jamal Journal staff photographer Joe Piette) Ona Move! On Saturday April 17, Mumia called his wife Wadiya and[Read More...]

Israel prevents non-vaccinated Palestinians from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque

Qalandiya checkpoint from Ramallah into Jerusalem, worshippers want to attend first Friday prayer of Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Al-Aqsa Mosque, 16 April 2021 [Issam Rimawi/Anadolu Agency] MEMO | April 17, 2021 Israeli occupation authorities have prevented thousands of Palestinian worshippers from the occupied West Bank from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of […]

Israeli settlers attack Palestinians, steal land with impunity. Imagine outrage & calls for sanctions if any other state did it.

By Eva Bartlett | RT | April 16, 2021 Every aspect of their existence on occupied Palestinian land is illegal. Still, the violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers against civilians continues, propped up by Israel’s legal system and the world’s blind eyes. Periodically, we will hear in the news something about the illegal colonies (settlements), but […]

UK Councils Bring Back ‘COVID Marshals’ to Report People For Not Social Distancing

By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | April 15, 2021 UK council authorities are putting more ‘COVID marshals’ onto the streets to report people to the police for not properly social distancing. After the government lifted some lockdown restrictions on Monday, bars and restaurants were allowed to open outside. This prompted the media to […]