Human rights

Europe can’t soft-pedal a sanitary techno-dictatorship while claiming to protect people from abuse by AI

By Rachel Marsden | RT | April 23, 2021 Europe can’t soft-pedal a sanitary techno-dictatorship while claiming to protect people from abuse by AI. Pick a lane, hypocrites. The EU is proposing to regulate AI and facial recognition in the interest of privacy, while pushing ahead with an intrusive scheme that would strongarm citizens into disclosing […]

Medical Tyranny on US College Campuses

By Stephen Lendman | April 23, 2021 It’s the wrong time for US youths with higher education aspirations in mind. On increasing numbers of US campuses, it’s hazardous to their health and well-being to enroll at colleges and universities whose policies may irreversibly harm them near-or-longer-term. After Rutgers in March required students to be jabbed […]

Norwegian City ‘Ill-Prepared’ to Welcome NATO Nuclear Submarines

By Igor Kuznetsov – Sputnik – 23.04.2021 Despite treating a nuclear accident as an unlikely scenario, the Norwegian Armed Forces warned that it may lead to death, damage overall health over time and do great radioactive harm to nature and the environment. While the first NATO nuclear submarines are set to dock soon outside the […]

Johnson’s proposed spy-law reveals an unsustainable double standard in how dissent is treated at home and abroad

By Kevin Karp | RT | April 21, 2021 The PM’s proposals for a US-style Foreign Agents Registration Act and strengthening of powers under the Official Secrets Act claim to be about protecting against ‘foreign interference’, but really only stifle freedoms in Britain. Boris Johnson is set to announce a raft of legislative proposals aimed at […]

Airlines Won’t Call Digital ID A ‘Vaccine Passport’ Because “It Carries Too Many Connotations”

By Steve Watson | Summit News | April 21, 2021 A report from Yahoo News notes that airlines won’t be calling the imminent vaccine passports by that name because “It carries too many connotations,” according to one aviation CEO. The forthcoming ‘digital certificates’ that will show COVID-19 vaccination status won’t be referred to as vaccination passports says […]

Mandatory Covid Mass-Jabbing of Students at Columbia College, Chicago

By Stephen Lendman | April 21, 2021 In late March, Rutgers University president Jonathan Holloway explained the following: Students arriving on campus this fall will be required to be jabbed for covid. According to Holloway, it’s to “provide a safer and more robust college experience for our students (sic).” There’s nothing remotely safe and effective […]

Israel official calls for executing Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem

MEMO | April 21, 2021 Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Aryeh King, yesterday called on Israeli police to execute Palestinian protesters who take to the streets of the holy city at night, Shehab news agency reported. He proposed a change in police policy regarding dealing with protesters and stop using traditional means to disperse them. According to the […]

Free Hidme Markam

1,000 + activists, academics, concerned citizens from 20+ states in India and across the globe write to Chief Minister Chhattisgarh. Call for immediate release of Hidme Markam and end state excess on adivasis in Bastar Deeply outraged by the arbitrary incarceration of Hidme Markam, an adivasi human rights defender and environmental activist, for over 40 days, more than a thousand[Read More...]

Comply or Die: The Only Truly Compliant Person in a Police State Is a Dead One

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | April 20, 2021 Americans aren’t dying at the hands of police because of racism. For that matter, George Floyd didn’t die because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for […]