Human rights

The unseen evil of Covid restrictions … a dehumanising denial of physical contact

By Frank Palmer | The Conservative Woman | May 26, 2021 THERE should have been more outrage at the inhuman restrictions placed on us since March 2020. The cat is now out of the bag about the psychological tricks used by the Government’s behavioural psychologists, with the collusion of the MSM – the terror tactics, […]

Israel carries out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, robs them of their homes, yet pretends it’s the victim

By Richard Medhurst | RT | May 25, 2021 The Israelis are seeking to reframe their occupation of Palestine as something else, in order to hide their inhumane oppression. What’s happening in Gaza is not a ‘war’ nor a ‘conflict’, but a brutal military colonization. Israel launched its latest offensive against the Gaza strip on May 10, […]

Facebook is suppressing ‘facts’ that are flagged as promoting ‘vaccine hesitancy’: whistleblowers

RT | May 25, 2021 Facebook is taking aggressive steps to sideline any content, including factual material, critical of Covid-19 vaccines, two insiders have revealed to Project Veritas. The tech giant claims the policy was publicly announced. The conservative media watchdog organization published a purported internal Facebook memo concerning “Vaccine Hesitancy Comment Demotion.” The policy […]

US Extradition of Alex Saab is Illegal & Unfounded: Lawyers & Legal Experts

Written by Saheli Chowdhury and Stephen Lalla Venezuelan businessman and diplomatic envoy Alex Saab, held in the African island nation of Cape Verde and facing extradition to the United States, is a victim of political persecution and his case is comparable to that of Julian Assange or Chelsea Manning. Saab, who had engaged in brokering deals that would evade the[Read More...]

Telegraph: UK Needs “Vaccine Force” To Produce Jabs “On Tap”

By Richie Allen | May 24, 2021 Yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph editorial focused on vaccine production. The newspaper claimed that the UK should set up a “Vaccine Force” in the same way that we maintain a standing army in peacetime. According to the editorial: One of the big lessons from this crisis is that vaccines are […]

OSHA Pulls Guidance Stating Employers May Be Held Liable For ‘Adverse Reactions’ If They Mandate Vaxx

By Chris Menahan | InformationLiberation | May 23, 2021 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration threw workers under the bus over the weekend by pulling their new guidance which stated that employers they may be held liable for “any adverse reactions” if they mandate employees take COVID-19 vaccines “as a condition of their employment.” On April […]

Has Palestine resistance won?

By Robert Inlakesh | Quds News Network | May 21, 2021 When this Friday’s ceasefire was announced between Palestinian resistance groups and ‘Israel’, there was only one side celebrating, the Palestinians, who had taken to the streets to celebrate a historic defeat of Israel’s military machine. During the 11-day conflict between Gaza and ‘Israel’, 248 Palestinians in […]

Iraqi Resistance: Government Incapable of Expelling US Occupation Forces, Our Operations to Be Escalated

Al-Manar | May 23, 2021 The Iraqi resistance command indicated that it gave the government a chance to hold negotiations with the US authorities for the with withdrawal of the occupation troops from Iraq, but that the outcomes of the two rounds of talks were bad and unfortunate. In a statement, the Iraqi resistance pointed […]

Jewish groups that aid Israel’s war crimes can’t deny all responsibility for those crimes

Here is something that can be said with great confidence. It is racist – antisemitic, if you prefer – to hold Jews, individually or collectively, accountable for Israel’s crimes. Jews are not responsible for Israel’s war crimes, even if the Israeli state presumes to implicate Jews in its crimes by falsely declaring it represents all […]

Weakened Israeli Immunity?

By Stephen Lendman | May 22, 2021 Did Netanyahu go too far this time? Did he shoot himself in the foot for massacring Gazan civilians — and by doing so generate mass pro-Palestinian protests in cities worldwide? Did his international support weaken for terror-bombing and shelling residential neighborhoods on the phony pretext of claiming that […]