Human rights

Australian Refugees – Corruption, Profits and Politics

Written by Thomas Klikauer and Catherine Link At the end May 2021, Australian media reported on a multinational company receiving a $121 million contract to keep asylum seekers locked away on a remote island of Papua New Guinea (PNG) for good. Ever since Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and even more so since Karl Marx’s Value, Price and Profits (1865),[Read More...]

Four People Dead After SDF Fighters Attack Demonstrators in Syria’s Manbij

Sputnik – 01.06.2021 DAMASCUS – Four people were killed and 13 more injured after militants from Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) opened fire at demonstrators in Syria’s Manbij on Tuesday, a local source said. “SDF fighters opened fire on demonstrators at the Jazeera circle in the centre of Manbij, four people were killed and 13 injured […]

Do SAGE Members Calling for Lockdown to be Extended Beyond June 21st Not Believe the Vaccines Work?

By Will Jones • Lockdown Sceptics •  June 1, 2021 So do the vaccines not work then? That’s certainly the impression you’d get from the way various members of SAGE are carrying on, warning of new waves and new variants and the need to delay the end of lockdown even further (completely ignoring the fact that half of […]

Canada: Conservatives’ attempts to protect platform users’ speech online is blocked

By Dan Frieth May | Reclaim the Net | May 31, 2021 Members of the Liberal Party, New Democratic Party (NDP), and Bloc Quebecois rejected a Bill C-10 amendment proposed by the Conservative Party of Canada that would have exempted user-generated content from the bill’s online speech suppression powers. The vote was cast during Monday’s Heritage Committee […]

“I Don’t Know of a Bigger Story in the World” Right Now Than Ivermectin: NY Times Best-Selling Author

So why are journalists not covering it? By Nick Corbishley | Naked Capitalism | May 25, 2021  Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author, has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. The 15-page article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 […]

Israeli State Terror — Killing Palestinians with Impunity

By Stephen Lendman | May 31, 2021 Throughout Jewish state history, its ruling regimes treated Occupied Palestinians and Arab citizens ruthlessly. Terrorizing them is longstanding Israeli policy, including daily arrests throughout the Occupied Territories, torture, beatings and other forms of abuse, targeted killings, and justice nearly always denied. Last week, Al Jazeera reported about “grief […]

A system buried 215 children at a former residential school in Canada

At the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Colombia, Canada, remains of 215 children were found buried. Some of the children were as young as three years old when they died, the First Nation said. Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation hired a specialist in ground-penetrating radar to carry out the work and believes the deaths of the children are undocumented. Chief Rosanne[Read More...]

‘My youngest son has seen nothing but violence’ – Palestinian activist on life in West Bank village where Israelis killed a child

By Robert Inlakesh | RT | May 28, 2021 Israeli forces killed a 16-year-old boy, Islam Burnat, from the West Bank village of Bil’in earlier in May and have since “terrorized” local families by raiding their homes and arresting children. “Two of my sons are now imprisoned and [the Israeli authorities] haven’t even explained why,” […]