Human rights

India’s lockdown may already have killed more people than “Covid”, and it will only get worse.

By Chase Reed | OffGuardian | June 18, 2021 India has a total population of 1.39 billion people . That is 18 percent of the total world population. The median annual per capita income is $616 . Hundreds of millions of people in India survive with a hand to mouth existence. They work and earn a couple of dollars, […]

How Ron Paul Stopped the US Government from Imposing a National Vaccine Passport

By Adam Dick | Ron Paul Institute | June 18, 2021 Who do Americans have to thank for the United States government not subjecting them to a national vaccine passport like those being imposed by national governments in Europe? Megan Redshaw wrote in a Wednesday article at Children’s Health Defense that the credit goes to Ron Paul […]

NHS Doctor: Matt Hancock is “Not Fit for Public Office and Needs to be Removed Before He Inflicts Further Harm”

By Will Jones • Lockdown Sceptics • June 18, 2021 NHS GP Dr Helen Westwood, a member of HART, has written a letter to her MP Sir Graham Brady expressing her concerns about the possible Government plans for mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers and others. She previously wrote to him at the end of April and received a reply from Vaccines Minister Nadhim […]

Hypocrisy 101

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | June 18, 2021 When President Biden predictably began lecturing Russian President Vladimir Putin about human-rights abuses in Russia, Biden was chagrined when Putin turned the tables on him by asking about human-rights abuses at the hands of the U.S. government. I’ve often wondered why foreign dictators don’t do […]

Willem Engel Interview – The Fight For Freedom In The COVID Age & The Battle For Our Very Humanity

By Taylor Hudak | The Last American Vagabond | June 16, 2021 Joining me today is scientist and activist Willem Engel, here to discuss his ongoing legal efforts to fight back against what many are referring to as  ‘crimes against humanity’ being committed under the guise of fighting COVID-19 – and rightly so – as well as […]

Putin Lashes Out at US Regime After Meeting with Biden

teleSUR – June 16, 2021 Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday lashed out at the United States on arms control, human rights, cyber-attacks, among other issues, after meeting with his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden. “The West believes that the Russian policy is unpredictable. Well, let me reciprocate. The U.S. withdrawal from the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) […]

Letter to Canadian Transport Minister: Israeli Apartheid Not Welcome in Canadian Ports #BlocktheBoat

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network | June 15, 2021 The following letter was sent today to Canada’s Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and called on “the Canadian government to stop legitimizing the crimes of apartheid…and suspend all instances of Zim-operated ships docking and unloading in Canadian ports.” This action is part of the growing demand that Canada […]

The EEOC Did NOT Say Federal Law Permits Requiring a COVID-19 Vaccine

Informed Consent Action Network | June 16, 2021 In the article, “Can employers require workers to get the COVID vaccine?”, Bailey Aldridge claims that, given the updated rules of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), “your employer can require you to get a COVID vaccine.”   Aldridge even claims that “The EEOC says there are no […]