Human rights

European human rights group ‘extremely concerned’ over French prisoners ‘deliberately beaten’ in custody

RT | June 24, 2021 The Council of Europe’s human rights body has stated that it is “extremely concerned” about the treatment of prisoners in French jails and police stations, warning that people in custody have been “deliberately beaten.” In a report released on Thursday, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) stated that it […]

Hundreds of bodies found near another former residential school in Canada

Press TV – June 24, 2021 Hundreds of unmarked graves, many believed to be of children, have been found at the site of another former Church-run residential school in Canada. The graves are located near the former Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan, said the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous First Nations (FSIN), which represents 74 […]

153 Houston Methodist hospital network employees fired or quit after refusing coronavirus vaccination

RT | June 23, 2021 More than a hundred people have lost their job at a Texas hospital after refusing to get a coronavirus vaccine and unsuccessfully challenging the mandate in court. Houston Methodist spokesperson Gale Smith told the media that 153 workers had their employment terminated or resigned on Tuesday. They were all among […]

Killing of Bramhadev Singh of Piri (Latehar) by security forces

On June 12, 2021, many online news portals reported an exchange of fire that took place between security forces and Maoists in Kuku-Piri forest, which comes under the jurisdiction of the Garu police station of Latehar (Jharkhand). According to reports, one Naxalite was killed and guns were found. The next day, many local newspapers highlighted that 24-year-old Bramhadev Singh of[Read More...]

‘Safe vaccine’ pledges are on ever shakier ground

By Neville Hodgkinson | The Conservative Woman | June 22, 2021 DOCTORS, scientists, politicians, pharmaceutical companies and media promoting the experimental Covid vaccines as being safe and effective are rapidly being confronted with a stark choice: to save face or save lives. As fresh evidence mounts supporting long-standing claims that the entire system of counting Covid ‘cases’ […]

Schools Warned That Promoting Concept of “White Privilege” is Harming Disadvantaged White Students

While also potentially being a violation of the law By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | June 21, 2021 Schools in the UK have been told by a cross-party committee of MPs that promoting the notion of “white privilege” could breach equality laws while also harming disadvantaged white students. The committee report found that […]

Defining Down Freedom

By James Bovard | AIER | June 16, 2021 Will the Great Pandemic permanently unleash governments around the world? Covid-19 is enabling politicians to turn freedom from an individual right into a conditional bureaucratic dispensation. Defining down freedom was exemplified by the G-7 Summit that became a ludicrous and hypocritical Lockdowners Victory Lap. The G-7 […]

UK govt gave contract to IT firm that is ‘openly plotting’ to turn vaccine passports into a national ID card

RT | June 21, 2021 The British government has been accused of aiming to covertly implement a national ID programme, after it partnered with a company that has advocated turning vaccine passports into a multi-purpose document. Entrust, an IT firm that bills itself as a “global leader in identities, payments, and data protection,” was awarded […]

The UAPA Noose

It is now out in the open.There seems to be quite a lot of dissatisfaction in the higher judiciary about the burden placed on their shoulders by the rising number of UAPA cases.The phrasing of the act is so wide and sweeping that it gives a government powers to practically put under arrest and detain anyone it finds inconvenient or[Read More...]
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