Human rights

The Scientific And Ethical Dimensions Of ‘Human Augmentation’

Principia Scientific International | June 24, 2021 Human augmentation is becoming ‘state of the art – the pinnacle of mortal man’s accomplishments’ say the scientists serving the billionaire class turning us mere peons into robots. But is it ethical or legal? In the video below we get a flavor of what’s in store for us […]

Why Hasn’t the Government Published a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Lockdown?

By Noah Carl • Lockdown Sceptics • June 24, 2021  When considering a policy as unprecedented and far-reaching as a nationwide lockdown, you’d assume the Government would carry out a cost-benefit analysis. After all, such analyses are routine in policy-making. For example, the Treasury maintains a document called ‘The Green Book’, which gives detailed guidance on how to […]

Palestinian Protesters Recount Harrowing Details of Torture at the Hands of Israeli Police

Officers wounded the detainees, terrorized them, and whomever dared to lift his head upwards risked more beatings by officers. According to affidavits, the floor of the room was covered in blood from the beatings.
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Louisiana: Another FBI Agent Arrested for Raping Small Children

 By Eric Striker – National Justice – June 24, 2021 Louisiana State Police announced today that they busted a serial sexual deviant that has preyed on multiple children over a five year period. What is most alarming about the case is that the individual in question, 51-year-old David Harris, is an active duty FBI agent at the […]

Palestinian activist critical of PA leadership dies in custody; independent probe demanded

Press TV – June 24, 2021 A leading Palestinian human rights activist, who was an outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s leadership, has died after being arrested by security forces in the occupied West Bank. Nizar Banat, a resident of the flashpoint West Bank city of al-Khalil, was arrested in a dawn raid by […]

More on Domestic Terrorism: Who Will Be the Target?

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | June 24, 2021 When the so-called war on domestic terrorism was declared quite early on in the Joe Biden Administration it provoked a wave of dissent from those who recognized that it would inevitably be used to stifle free speech and target constituencies that do not agree … … Continue reading →

The UK faces algorithm-driven censorship if online censorship bill comes to pass

A dark future looms By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net | June 24, 2021 If this isn’t happening already – current and former MPs, legal experts and free speech activists are warning that UK’s upcoming Online Safety Bill getting approved in parliament might usher in the era of “algorithm-driven censorship.” The concern is strong … … Continue reading →

America & some of its so-called ‘democratic’ allies have turned ‘liberal-totalitarian’: Russia’s top spy

By Jonny Tickle | RT | June 24, 2021 The US and some other Western nations held up as “models of liberal democracy” are rapidly turning into totalitarian regimes reminiscent of the Soviet Union, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has claimed. Speaking on Thursday at the Moscow Conference on International Security, Sergey Naryshkin […]