Human rights

Canada wants to fine people up to $50,000 for “online hate speech”

Canada’s proposals would make it one of the most oppressive nations when it comes to free expression By Dan Frieth | Reclaim the Net | June 29, 2021 The “Liberal” Canadian government plans to pass a law that criminalizes so-called online “hate speech,” with the punishment being fines ranging from $20,000 to $50,000. The law […]

Scientific American magazine removes article detailing Israeli crimes against Palestinians

Press TV – June 28, 2021 A US publication has removed an op-ed detailing Israeli crimes against the people of Palestine and calling for solidarity with them. Scientific American, a popular science magazine in the US, reportedly has done this act under pressure from the Zionist lobby, which is the pro-Israel lobby in the United […]

Rally for jailed Indian scholars held in Canada

Close to the birthday of George Orwell and the 46th anniversary of Emergency in the world’s so called largest democracy, activists came together in Surrey on Sunday, June 27, to raise their voices against the incarceration of thinkers by the Indian authorities. Organized by Radical Desi publications, the rally was held right outside the Indian Visa and Passport Application Center.[Read More...]

Re-Evaluating Mask Mandates – Part I: Science Gives Way to the “Talisman”

By Masha Krylova | C2C Journal | June 13, 2021 The health of my patient will be my first consideration; I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat. —World Medical Association: Declaration of Geneva, 2006 Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much. —Walter […]


Dr. Sam Bailey | June 22, 2021 The NZ medical authorities and mainstream media push their vaccine propaganda and continue to cry “misinformation” when serious concerns about the vaccine are raised. Some groups have declared the vaccine unfit for use in humans, but the authorities refuse to change their script… NZ Doctor Group: Please […]

Fire Words for Canada Day

Dear Paleface, Let’s make things right for the longstanding Indigenous inhabitants of this land. Following the late May discovery of 215 concealed burials of First Nations children at a former residential school in Canada there was a post from a Jewish group on Facebook basically saying ‘Yes, this is an example of genocide.’ I am sure there are other Jews[Read More...]

The Canadian Greenhouse and Genocide

In February I wrote, As a rule, basic decency would require that one clean up one’s own yard (except in Canada’s case, the yard was stolen from its Indigenous peoples) before criticizing someone else’s yard. This was in response to a plurality of members of parliament in Canada condemning China for committing genocide in the […]
The post The Canadian Greenhouse and Genocide first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Curb your McCarthyism: an early test for Israel’s new Minister of Education  

These are early days for the self-styled ‘coalition of change’ in Israel, but it has already been presented with significant challenges in the form of the Jerusalem Flag March, the Evyatar outpost, and the Citizenship and Entry law. There is another one just around the corner. This week, the High Court of Justice informed the […]