Human rights

The US Appeals the Assange Ruling

It took over half a year, but the US government’s case against Julian Assange continues its draining grind.  Even the Biden administration, which claims to tolerate a free press and truthful dialogue with the fourth estate, has decided to exhaust its legal options in seeking the publisher’s scalp. On July 7, the UK High Court of Justice agreed to hear[Read More...]

Fr. Stan Swamy’s institutional murder must lead to a nation-wide movement

Fr. Stan Swamy’s institutional murder must lead to a nation-wide movement against draconian, anti-people laws and state repression. NAPM joins citizens and democratic groups across the globe remembering the  life and struggle of Stan Swamy with pain and pride  7th July, 2021: The news of the cold-blooded killing of Fr. Stan Swamy by all the institutions that held him arbitrarily in[Read More...]

Fr Stan Swamy has expired: But, his questions haven’t

In the death of Fr Stan Swamy on July 5, 2021, who was an “under trial” detainee languishing in the custody of the authorities, India has lost a courageous campaigner for adivasi rights. The manner in which the 84-year old Jesuit priest was forced to die has shaken the conscience of the nation. What hurts the feelings of any one[Read More...]

Why Daniel Hale Deserves Gratitude, Not Prison

 The whistleblower acted on behalf of the public’s right to know what is being done in its name “Pardon Daniel Hale.” These words hung in the air on a recent Saturday evening, projected onto several Washington, D.C. buildings, above the face of a courageous whistleblower facing ten years in prison. The artists aimed to inform the U.S. public about Daniel[Read More...]

New forensic report on Bhima Koregoan accused finds more evidence of planted files, this time on Surendra Gadling’s hard drive

Planting of files on Bhima Koregaon accused Surendra Gadling’s system follows a similar pattern as that on Rona Wilson’s system, new forensic report finds The already weakened case against the 16 accused in the Bhima Koregaon case was dealt a final blow by a third digital forensic report released earlier this afternoon by NDTV and the Washington Post. The report[Read More...]

Father Stan Was Martyred For Standing Against Proto-Fascism

Without doubt one of the great democrats or crusaders against proto- fascism has perished. Few activists in such a considerable degree voiced the very soul of the opressed masses of Jharkhand as Father Stan Swamy.He was a living illustration that regardless of age the relentless spirit is never lost in the quest for liberation from the clutches of tyranny. Father[Read More...]

Fr. Stan Swamy Will Be Remembered Always for His Deep Commitment to Justice and His Courage

The death of Fr. Stan Swamy in extremely tragic circumstances on July 5 will be mourned by all those who believe in the most basic human values. He will be remembered by countless people for his very strong commitment to justice and for standing up for his beliefs and values with great courage. He will be remembered as a champion[Read More...]

The Institutional Murder of Fr. Stan Swamy

A statement by the family members and friends of the BK-16 We, the friends and family members of those accused in the Bhima Koregaon Conspiracy case, are deeply pained and shaken to the core by the loss of Father Stan Swamy. This is not a natural death, but the institutional murder of a gentle soul, committed by an inhuman state.[Read More...]

Stan Swamy: Capital Punishment without trial

The death of Father Stan Swamy in Custody is a reminder of how India’s criminal justice system has collapsed and is being used by the party in power to criminalise the activists, writers, dissenters and political opponents. One need not to think too much of it but a sequence of events since 2014 after Narendra Modi government took power. Right[Read More...]