Human rights

Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group; Then Tries to Entrap Its Members

By Eric Striker | National Justice | July 7, 2021 The family of 27-year-old Fi Duong thought they escaped government oppression when they left Vietnam. They were wrong. According to an FBI criminal complaint, Duong has been closely surveilled by the FBI for the past six months, including while he engaged in religious activity. In conversations […]

Israel Attempts to Forcibly Relocate Bedouin Community

teleSUR | July 9, 2021 On Friday, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In the occupied Palestinian territory (OCHA oPt) territory warned that Israel is attempting to forcibly transfer the inhabitants of the Bedouin village of Humsa Al-Bqaia in the occupied West Bank. The massive demolition and confiscation of property by […]

Arrest of Medha Patkar, Jagdish Khairalia and others

Condemn the arbitrary arrest of workers of the Century Workers Union as well as activists Medha Patkar, Jagdish Khairalia and others : Call Maharashtra Police to Free All Arrested State & Company Management must Dialogue with Workers and Withdraw the forced VRS policy: Uphold Right to Livelihoods of Workers 9th July, 2021: NAPM condemns the arbitrary manner in which protesting[Read More...]


The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, the organization co-founded by Dr. Pierre Kory in response to COVID-19, has in my opinion been one of the greatest displays of humanity during this situation. Through their work, inexpensive protocols that both prevent and treat COVID-19 have been developed and taken up by countless doctors worldwide, and […]

In Germany, burning the Israeli flag is a problem, but killing Palestinians isn’t

By Motasem A Dalloul | MEMO | July 6, 2021 Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll met with the German Ambassador, Susanne Wasum-Rainer, on Monday along with visiting German parliamentarians. Roll thanked the German guests for their country’s strong support for Israel during its major military offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza from 10-21 May. […]

NYC: Israeli-Trained NYPD Is Charging Pro Palestine Protesters with Bogus “Hate Crimes”

By Eric Striker | National Justice | July 8, 2021 The NYPD has a message for New Yorkers: don’t criticize Israel in their city. Last May, demonstrators took to the streets of New York to protest the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. They are now suffering selective prosecution at the hands of […]

A Country That Has Lost Its Way: U.S. Government and Corporations Combine to Strip Citizens of Their Rights

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | July 8, 2021 The American people have increasingly become aware that government surveillance and corporate censorship have combined to keep people ignorant and controlled. What is taking place has generated some dark humor. A friend of mine, also a former CIA officer, wrote to me recently and […]

Global Vaccine Passports Have Arrived Courtesy of Google, EU

Image Credits: Google Privacy To Go | July 8, 2021 On June 30th, 2021, the Google Developers blog announced the launch of vaccine passports in Android through its Passes API. Less than 24 hours later, the European Union, long mired in a sea of national standards for digital jab records, rolled out its EU-wide vaccine passport. Two completely different […]

Stan Swamy Murder Has Lit A Spark Turning Into A Prairie Fire In Challenging Proto-Fascism

It is most heartening how the masses of India are not taking the custodial murder of Father Stan Swamy lying down. We must congratulate all the sections be it of the workers, peasants, youth or students who have collectively galvanised forces to crystallise resistance against neo-fascism. A spark is virtually being turned into a Prairie fire. In the last few[Read More...]