Human rights

The Persecution of Canadian Physicians by Organized Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic

July 6, 2021 In this group interview facilitated by Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D., four physicians from across Canada – emergency physician Dr. Chris Milburn, rural family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe, general surgeon Dr. Francis Christian, and pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson – tell their stories of persecution at the hands of their governing bodies. Their only […]

BK16: Why Is The Judiciary Still Sleeping?

The Bhima Koregaon15 spending a single additional night in jail is a travesty of justice. The third report by Arsenal on evidence planting became public on July 6, with even more damning evidence corroborating the first two reports in February and April that confirmed extensive evidence planting on Rona Wilson’s hard drive, the first of the arrestees in the BK16[Read More...]

Ongoing Israeli Genocide of Palestinians

The world needs to  know the horrendous dimensions of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, and of the gross Apartheid Israeli maltreatment of 5.2 million Occupied Palestinians and in particular of the 2 million inmates of the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp. A numbers-based summary of these ongoing  atrocities will strengthen global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions […]

No room for Dissent 

In the post world war era, when the first wave of decolonisation happened and many countries were given their independence, India was the most prominent of those let go. Most prominent in the sense that India was considered the crown jewel of the British empire and the British King was separately designated too as the emperor of India. India’s independence [Read More...]

Why Human Rights in China and Tigray but Not in Haiti, Palestine, or Colombia?

U.S. President Joe Biden and the Democrats have been playing the “Black Lives Matter” tune on their fiddle. Biden even raised the issue of Black Lives Matter during his presidential campaign. But, just days after Biden was sworn into office, his administration lent support for the Haitian dictator, Jovenel Moïse, who stayed in office past […]

Israeli forces demolish water pond in northern Jordan Valley

WAFA – July 12, 2021 JORDAN VALLEY – Israeli forces today demolished a water pond near Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley, according to sources. Moataz Bsharat, an activist, told WAFA that the Israeli forces escorted a bulldozer to the village, where the heavy machinery tore down the 250-cubic-meter pond, which was used for agricultural purposes […]

154 Incidents Of Violence Against Christians In India In The First Six Months Of 2021

Perhaps, a new ministry of cooperation may bring in better understanding of others’ faith, especially those who oppose the practice of Christian faith. This year, 2021, hasn’t been any difference to Indian Christians in practicing their faith in their own country except that Indian Christians across globe came together to establish an exclusive day for themselves on July 3rd and[Read More...]

Israeli military isolated Mohammad, 17, in solitary confinement for 35 days

Defence for Children Palestine | July 6, 2021 Israeli forces detained 17-year-old Palestinian teenager Mohammad in solitary confinement for 35 days in total for interrogation purposes. In this video, he describes his experience at the hands of the Israeli military and shares the lasting effects his time in solitary confinement have had on his mental […]

Is the govt coming to your door to pressure you to take COVID shots? Here’s what you need to know

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | July 11, 2021 … This is what is called a “trial balloon.” The government is throwing this out there as a “trial” to see just how much the American public will tolerate in terms of government intervention. Let them know that you will not tolerate it at […]