Human rights

A Brighter Future

Brighter Future – Oil on Linen – 40×72 inches. A child assists her father in blocking the New Normal. If left unobstructed the New Normal would shut out their pathway to a brighter future. By Jordan Henderson | OffGuardian | July 18, 2021 The worldwide push towards authoritarianism under the pretext of a faux pandemic […]

Mental ‘virus’ or real, governments can’t just censor and imprison their way out of immunity debt

By Helen Buyniski | RT | July 16, 2021 Covid-fearing parents may think they’re doing their kids a favor by keeping them inside, masked and encased in a bubble of hand sanitizer. But as humans we need pathogens to function – literally and metaphorically. Evolution, it turns out, isn’t stupid. There’s a reason our guts […]

Canada’s Heritage Minister says free speech online ‘undermines democracy’

By Dan Frieth | Reclaim the Net | July 17, 2021 Offensive remarks on social media are legal, but Canada’s Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault says they “undermine democracy.” The government is promoting the internet censorship bill C-36, which seeks to obligate social media platforms to mass censor. In a briefing, reviewed by Blacklock’s Reporter, the Heritage Ministry […]

Social media misinformation ‘killing people,’ Biden says, as White House doubles down on private censorship

RT | July 16, 2021 US President Joe Biden claimed social media platforms are “killing people” with misinformation about Covid-19, as his press secretary Jen Psaki made a case for deplatforming ‘offenders’ across the ostensibly private networks. “They’re killing people,” Biden told reporters who asked him to send a message to platforms like Facebook. “The only […]

US Surgeon General advises “clear consequences” for online “misinformation super-spreaders”

By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net | July 16, 2021 The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released its general Covid advisory on “confronting health misinformation” signed by US Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy. We obtained a copy of the report for you here. For the purposes of the advisory, health misinformation […]

South Africa Collapsing, Germany Flooding & Biden Regime Target ‘Covid Disinformation’ - FF Ep129

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Henrik and Lana cover some of the latest news and recent events in episode 129 of Flashback Friday.
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Israel exploits case of Mexico official wanted for torture, murder for diplomatic gain

MEMO | July 15, 2021 The notorious case of former top Mexican official wanted in connection with the torture, abduction and murder of 43 students, and for embezzling $50 million of state funds, has become mired in a diplomatic tussle between Israel and Mexico over the occupation state’s treatment of Palestinians. Tomás Zerón de Lucio, […]

India must halt mass eviction that threatens to leave 100,000 homeless – UN experts

GENEVA (16 July 2021) – UN human rights experts* today called on India to halt evictions of some 100,000 people – including 20,000 children – that began this week in the midst of monsoon rains. Demolition of homes began on Wednesday, 14 July, in a village in Haryana State built on protected forest land, even though the forest was actually[Read More...]