Human rights

Where’s the Rage for Israel and NSO’s Pegasus the West Had for China’s Huawei?

By Morgan Artyukhina – Sputnik – 21.07.2021 Anger has swirled around the globe over revelations that Pegasus spyware created by Israeli software firm NSO Group has been used by governments to wiretap journalists and public figures. However, the fury is mild when compared to claims Beijing compelled Huawei to put a “backdoor” into its phones, […]

National Park Service To Spy On Picnics, Family Gatherings, Weddings And Much More

credit: Wikimedia Massprivatei – July 20, 2021 According to a notice published in the Federal Register, the Department of the Interior (DOI) is turning the National Park Service (NPS) into a mirror image of the NSA, FBI, DHS and every other three-letter spy agency you can think of. “Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, […]

Pegasus Rides Again: The NSO Group, Spyware and Human Rights

They keep insisting they don’t do it. But companies such as the Israeli NSO Group are global vendors for regimes, whatever stripe or colour, for surveillance tools to spy on those they deem of interest.  The 2013 revelations by Edward Snowden that exposed the warrantless world of mass surveillance by entities such as the US […]
The post Pegasus Rides Again: The NSO Group, Spyware and Human Rights first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Author of Retracted Children’s Mask Study Responds to TrialSite News

Dr. Ron Brown | Trial Site News | July 20, 2021 Yesterday, July 19, 2021, reported that a study of carbon dioxide in children’s masks was retracted by the editors of JAMA Pediatrics. JAMA Pediatrics Editors Retract Children’s Mask Study ( ). After requesting a statement from the corresponding author of the retracted study, Dr. […]

Khori Gaon Demolitions Public Hearing: Panel alarmed at human rights violations

20th July, 2021: This public hearing was organised to hear the affected citizens of Khorigaon and understand the status of implementation of the Supreme Court’s order of 7 June 2021. The Jury members included Environmentalist Ashish Kothari, Environmentalist Claude Alvares, Social Activist Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Adv. Tripti Poddar, Housing Right Activist, Prof. Amita Bhide from TISS, Mumbai and Prof. Bittu K.[Read More...]

Britain has a choice on Freedom Day: Embrace liberty or slide into total biosecurity tyranny

By Neil Clark | RT | July 19, 2021 Domestic Covid restrictions have ended in England, but the threat to our freedoms remains, with the government urging businesses to adopt vaccine passports. The nightclub industry’s opposition to the scheme shows the way forward. Freedom has been restored in Merrie England after 16 months of unremitting […]

Migration Is Not the Crisis: What Washington Could Really Do in Central America

Earlier this month, a Honduran court found David Castillo, a U.S.-trained former Army intelligence officer and the head of an internationally financed hydroelectric company, guilty of the 2016 murder of celebrated Indigenous activist Berta Cáceres. His company was building a dam that threatened the traditional lands and water sources of the Indigenous Lenca people.  For years, Cáceres and her organization, the Council[Read More...]