Human rights

Only 1.6% of Schoolchildren Forced to Self-Isolate For 10 Days Went on to Develop Covid

By Toby Young • Daily Sceptic • July 23, 2021 A new study by a team of researchers at Oxford has found that of the one million schoolchildren sent home and forced to self-isolate for 10 days every week last term, 98.4% did not go on to develop Covid. The Telegraph has more. Forcing hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren to self-isolate because a classmate […]

Israel’s Entryism and the Campaign to Create a Binational Security State

Graphic by Antonio Cabrera Lowkey is joined by Whitney Webb to examine the IDF’s military intelligence Unit 8200, which gave birth to the NSO group responsible for Pegasus Spyware, and how Israel’s national security state is merging with that of the United States to target free speech and dissent: MintPress News | July 22, 2021 […]

Sedition: Antithesis Of Freedom Of Speech And Expression

“…these are fundamental rights from a police constable’s point of view and not from the point of view of a free and fighting nation. Here whatever right is given is taken away by a proviso. Sardar Patel would punish us if we make a speech, but Rajaji would punish us even before we have made the speech…”- Somnath Lahiri, during[Read More...]

UK law commission recommends making speech offenses based on “likely psychological harm”

The vague terms used to suppress speech By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net | July 22, 2021 Recommendations unveiled by the UK’s Law Commission are seeking to establish a new offense by criminalizing communications that could cause “likely psychological harms.” Another offense that is recommended in the document concerns “knowingly false communications.” This is a serious […]

Pegasus Spyware: Need For Thorough Investigation

To Shri A K Bhalla Union Home Secretary Dear Shri Bhalla, Kindly refer to my letters dated 31-3-2019, 31-10-2019 & 19-7-2021 addressed to you (copies forwarded here) on the possible use/misuse of Pegasus in India. I wish to draw your attention to a press conference held by the Chattisgarh Chief Minister, as indicated in a news report, “Pegasus: Chhattisgarh CM[Read More...]

Protest held in Canada against the custodial death of Father Stan Swamy and incarceration of scholars

On the birthday of jailed Indian scholar Anand Teltumbde, activists gathered outside the Visa and Passport Application Center of the world’s so called largest democracy in Surrey to raise their voices for his release, as well as others detained under draconian laws. Teltumbde, who turned 71 on July 15, was arrested last year on trumped up charges for merely questioning[Read More...]

The Great Betrayal

By Will Jones • Daily Sceptic • July 21, 2021 Destroy their education. Destroy their jobs and their job prospects. Destroy their social life, their friendships, their mental health. Force them to work long hours at school or in physically demanding jobs in uncomfortable and breath-inhibiting face masks. This is what our country has done […]