Human rights

Senator Klobuchar ignores First Amendment with new bill to censor online “misinformation”

By Dan Frieth | Reclaim the Net | July 25, 2021 Section 230 is under attack again, this time by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) who introduced a bill that would make online platforms liable for the health “misinformation” posted by users to encourage mass censorship on the platform. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act […]

White House admits US government works with Facebook to censor free-speech

Press Secretary says Biden admin is “flagging disinformation” which social media giant then removes By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | July 24, 2021 Government agencies are flagging posts as “misinformation” for Facebook. Essentially telling internet companies who to censor. We’ve always suspected as much, but now they’ve actually admitted it. Jen Psaki, Biden’s Press Secretary, […]

Khori Gaon residents: Victims not ‘encroachers’

Since 14th July, the Haryana Government has been brutally demolishing houses built by Khori Gaon residents who have been living on this land for decades. Along with the bulldozers the residents have also been dealing with police violence and harassment simultaneously. The Municipal Corporation of Faridabad framed a draft policy for rehabilitation of Khori Gaon residents 5 weeks after the[Read More...]

Disturbing Trend on the Rise of Harassment Against Asian-Americans

Trump supporter revealed it was Miles Yu who planned the anti-Asian policy. Recently, a screenshot of Trump supporters discussing Miles Yu’s anti-Asian policy in the Telegram group has been widely disseminated on social media. Such a criminal act of deliberately creating racial tensions and tearing American society apart has been criticized by netizens. In the screenshot of the telegram chat[Read More...]

Meet Toka, the Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of

By Whitney Webb | MintPress News | July 21, 2021 LONDON –This past Sunday, an investigation into the global abuse of spyware developed by veterans of Israeli intelligence Unit 8200 gained widespread attention, as it was revealed that the software – sold to democratic and authoritarian governments alike – had been used to illegally spy on an […]

Adelaide authorities intend to use CCTV surveillance and shop purchase data to enforce contact tracing and quarantine

By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net | July 24, 2021 In Australia, announcements have been made just this week that credit card data trails and CCTV surveillance footage will now be used for contact tracing. South Australia State’s capital Adelaide will go into a seven-day lockdown and in announcing this, officials there said that in order to more […]

Biden DOJ drops investigations into Michigan, Pennsylvania & New York nursing home Covid-19 deaths

No probes for Cuomo & Whitmer RT | July 23, 2021 The Biden administration has decided not to investigate the Democrat governors of Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York over claims that their Covid-19 policies led to deaths of thousands of vulnerable people in nursing homes. Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta informed House Republicans on […]

Billionaires Segregate Themselves on Luxury Private Islands as Ordinary People Told They Can’t Travel

By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | July 23, 2021 News that billionaire Google co-founder Larry Page has been hiding out on and buying isolated private islands in Fiji to avoid tourists who aren’t allowed in once again underscores how the elite is using the fallout from the pandemic to segregate themselves from the […]

From COINTELPRO to Whitmer Kidnapping Plot: FBI ‘Manufactures’ Terrorism to Fight It

By Ekaterina Blinova – Sputnik – 23.07.2021 The FBI’s extensive role in Governor Whitmer’s case has once again raised the question of the bureau’s possible infiltration of the Capitol riots, says independent American journalist Max Parry, citing the federal agency’s long record of incitement, including the infamous COINTELPRO. On 20 July, BuzzFeed reported that at least 12 FBI […]