Human rights

Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Sweden isn’t in the news much these days. There’s a reason for that. By Jon Miltimore | FEE | July 22, 2021 More than 100,000 people flooded streets in France over the weekend and multiple COVID vaccination centers were vandalized as opposition grew to the government’s most recent pandemic strategy. In President Emmanuel Macron’s latest incarnation of lockdowns, government […]

Big Tech and the Pandemic

Trial Site News | July 26, 2021 Some people were surprised when YouTube removed doctors’ videos on Ivermectin treatment, LinkedIn suspended a top mRNA researcher, and Twitter suspended @cov19treatments. Big Tech has been doing these things and worse since the beginning of the pandemic. Here, Big Tech means five companies: Google (especially Search, YouTube, and […]

Corruption of Police Devastates Human Lives

by Advocate Mohammad Shoaib and Sandeep Pandey That corruption is rampant in police department is a common experience. However, there is another form of corruption which devastates lives of individuals and their families. It has now emerged as a common phenomenon that police more often than not register false cases because of which individuals have to spend number of years[Read More...]

Medical Complicity With Torture In Israel

Introduction This paper concerns torture and medical complicity in its practice. In 2015, Amnesty International noted that 157 states had ratified the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT), but 141 states surveyed in the previous 5 years had used torture. Torture is a form of terrorism. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in 1998 defined torture as a crime[Read More...]