Human rights

New FBI Initiative Will Put “Hate Crime” Quotas On Local Law Enforcement

By Eric Striker | National Justice | July 29, 2021 The Department of Justice and the FBI have a message for local police departments: start charging more white people with hate crimes or invite an investigation. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta told an assembly of FBI agents yesterday that they are now tasked with hounding police […]

Belgium investigates possible manslaughter following deadly floods that killed over 40

RT | July 29, 2021 An investigation into fatal floods has been launched in Belgium’s Wallonia region, the worst hit by the disaster earlier this month. Prosecutors are looking into “involuntary homicide by lack of foresight or precaution.” An investigative judge has been appointed to identify possible officials who allegedly may be responsible for manslaughter […]

The Problem Is Evil: Of Cyberterrorism, Great Resets, and Political Prisoners

By Joaquin Flores | Strategic Culture Foundation | July 29, 2021 How is a citizenry to respond to Evil, to publicly made threats that they are now in a period where novel viruses, cyberterrorism, and food shortages may strike at any moment? What about the fact that making threats to achieve political or ideological aims […]

Julian Assange’s Ecuadorian citizenship revoked

Ecuador has stripped Julian Assange of his citizenship. The move is another outrageous assault on the WikiLeaks founder’s democratic rights, made in preparation for his extradition to the United States on charges under the Espionage Act. He is currently held in the UK’s Belmarsh maximum security prison, pending a case in the High Court. The decision to revoke citizenship was[Read More...]

The Political in ‘Political Prisoner’

It has been 500 days since Khalid Saifi’s incarceration, and 300 since Umar Khalid’s, in false UAPA cases; and a week since the custodial demise of Fr. Stan Swamy in the bogus Bhima Koregaon case. Both the Delhi riots and Bhima Koregaon cases are very important instances to explore the category of ‘political prisoner’ in contemporary Indian politics. They illustrate[Read More...]

Remove unconstitutional sections from statute

“There were 1,307 cases registered by the police, in the last 6 years, under Section 66A of Information Technology Act, 2000, after Supreme Court declared it as unconstitutional… … The police and prosecutors, who are perpetuating this abuse, should be jailed for contempt of court. There should be a severe disciplinary action against the magistrates for framing charges under this[Read More...]