Human rights

The Rehabilitation Policy for Khori Gaon is not ready, The orders of Supreme Court are not being followed

In Khori Gaon, hundreds of families have been displaced and thousands of houses are being brutally demolished each day. After the completion of the demolition drive, the destitute working-class residents are being forced to live without any shelter. They are also being immediately and forcibly removed from the area and being threatened with police action. Despite the order of the[Read More...]

“It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

By Addison Reeves | OffGuardian | August 7, 2021 It’s just two weeks. It’s just staying three feet apart. It’s just staying six feet apart. It’s just not going outside. It’s just not giving handshakes. It’s just working from home. It is just non-essential businesses that are closed. It’s just bars. It’s just restaurants. It’s […]


The Highwire with Del Bigtree | August 5, 2021 French President, Emmanuel Macron, provoked a huge uprising on Bastille Day after announcing his new #Covid19 vaccine passport mandate. Founder of Children’s Health Defense Europe, Senta Duypudt, gives Del an insider’s view on how the people of France are standing up to their tyrannical government. NETHERLANDS […]

On Quebec and its “Vaccine Passport”

By Maximilian Forte | Zero Anthropology | August 5, 2021 Since the Government of Quebec under Premier François Legault decided to jump the gun today and announced the coming of “vaccine” certification on September 1st, possibly in response to the opposition’s demand for always harsher measures, I decided to post these extracts from my larger work earlier […]

Net-Zero Will Cripple British Households As Costs Get Slipped Into Energy Bills

BY DR. BENNY PEISER | CLIMATE CHANGE DISPATCH | JULY 29, 2021 In recent weeks, ministers and officials have announced that UK households and businesses will have to fund many of the government’s Net-Zero plans via their energy bills and cost of living. Currently, UK consumers are funding renewable energy investors to the tune of […]

French firefighters’ & hospital unions declare strikes against ‘unconstitutional’ vaccine mandate

RT | August 4, 2021 Two French unions have called for strikes against the compulsory vaccination of firefighters, healthcare workers, and caregivers. They say the measure violates fundamental rights. One of the leading French firefighters’ unions, FA/SPP-PATS, which boasts 7,000 members, said it will go on strike starting Monday unless changes are made to the […]

We utterly deplore this reckless vaccine rollout to children

By Kathy Gyngell | TCW Defending Freedom | August 4, 2021 THE Covid vaccine rollout is to be extended to 16- and 17-year-olds across the UK – 1.4million children – it was confirmed this afternoon. Injections of the experimental gene therapy will begin within weeks, after approval from the government’s chosen scientists. The many others from around […]