Human rights

Journal Nature: COVID lockdowns are key to begin ‘personal carbon allowances’

Restrictions on individuals… that were unthinkable only 1 year before’ have us ‘more prepared to accept tracking & limitations’ to ‘achieve a safer climate’ Nature Sustainability | August 16, 2021 Authors argue COVID restrictions, smart meters & tracking apps can be used as a stepping stone for a personal carbon allowance: Journal article urges for “the […]

Release Batakrushna Swain

The Hon. Naveen Patnaik Chief Minister, Odisha Sub: Request for the release of Upakuliya Jami o Jangala Surakhya Samiti member Mr. Batakrushna Swain Honorable Sir, We the undersigned people, regret to convey our dissatisfaction regarding the change in the definition of crime in our state. Though the drought situation is not new in the state, however, the increase in the[Read More...]

Devalued Accountability And Justice In Sri Lanka

Minister of Justice Ali Sabry at a Zoom discussion on 30 August 2021 disclosed that the President in Cabinet meetings and outside has again and again stressed to us his following stand on the issue of disappeared persons. ” If anyone disappeared, there is no need to investigate the reasons for his disappearance.  Do not try to find out if[Read More...]

Crocodile Tears for Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | September 2, 2021 Interventionist dead-enders are crying crocodile tears over the Taliban’s defeat of the Pentagon and the CIA in Afghanistan because, they say, women’s rights are not likely to be protected by the Taliban.  Oh?  Well, now let’s see. According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, civilian deaths […]

Pro Forma Legal Letter For Parents of 12-15 Year-Olds Who Don’t Want Them to Get Jabbed

Lawyers For Liberty UK | September 2, 2021 Are you a parent? Is your 12-15 year old going back to school today? Are you worried about your child being given a Covid vaccine without your permission? Have you communicated with the school, but feel like you are being ignored? Maybe you are concerned that ‘Gillick […]

La Résistance: French Create Their Own Makeshift Restaurant Again to Protest Vax Passports

Reims demonstrators return in greater numbers By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | September 2, 2021 Another example has emerged of French people creating their own makeshift outdoor restaurant in protest against the country’s vaccine passport system. Video footage out of Reims shows large numbers of people, including many families, camped out on the […]

Named, shamed and fined – the maskless marauders

By Frederick Edward | TCW Defending Freedom | September 2, 2021 MAGISTRATES have been busy enforcing the laws of Covid-land, with more than 20 miscreants in Northamptonshire fined last week for failing to abide by the rules. They are named and shamed in the Northamptonshire Telegraph, the digital equivalent of the village stocks. There are a few […]