Hugo Chavez

The Ugly Face of Anti-Communism

Since the Russian revolution, the founding of the Communist International, and the organization of a revolutionary party “of a new type” in nearly every country, Communist and Workers Parties have been in the sights of every country’s bourgeoisie. In nearly all countries, the bourgeoisie, its political parties, its media, and its other henchmen have sought […]
The post The Ugly Face of Anti-Communism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

21st Century US Coups and Attempted Coups in Latin America

During the 21st century, the US, working with corporate elites, traditional oligarchies, military, and corporate media, has continually attempted coups against Latin American governments which place the needs of their people over US corporate interests. US organized coups in Latin American countries is hardly a 20th century phenomenon. However, this century the US rulers have […]

Ten Things for US to Understand about Latin America

Hello everyone! I love my country — the US land and people — but it could be a lot better. And it will be, when we dump our sense of US supremacy! I just returned from two-weeks in Nicaragua. When I received the email announcement about this political delegation, which was coordinated by Friends of ATC and Sanctions […]

Propaganda by Omission: Libya, Syria, Venezuela and the UK

We live in a war-like society; one that supports, and is in league with, the world’s number one terrorist threat: the United States of America. Corporate media propaganda plays a key role in keeping things that way. Ten years ago this month, the US, UK and France attacked oil-rich Libya under the fictitious cover of […]
The post Propaganda by Omission: Libya, Syria, Venezuela and the UK first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Respaldado por EEUU, el candidato ‘ecosocialista’ de Ecuador, Yaku Pérez, apoya golpes de estado y ayuda a la derecha

El candidato presidencial ecuatoriano Yaku Pérez ha apoyado golpes en Bolivia, Brasil, Venezuela y Nicaragua. La campaña de su partido Pachakutik, respaldado por Estados Unidos y supuestamente de “izquierda” ambientalista, es promovida por lobistas corporativos de la derecha. Por Benjamín Norton Traducido por Diego Sequera (You can read this article in English here.) QUITO, ECUADOR – La elección presidencial del Ecuador del 7 de febrero concluyó con una sorpresa: el conteo rápido publicado por el Consejo Nacional Electoral del país […]