huffington post

Corporate Media Backing Clinton Exploits Orlando Shooting for Passive Holocaust Denial

By Robert Barsocchini | Empire Slayer | June 16, 2016 Within hours of the mass shooting in Orlando, the corporate media backing neoconservative favorite Hillary Clinton began, almost unanimously, to exploit the opportunity to passively promote holocaust and genocide denial. Outlets including the NY Times, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Newsweek, USA Today, and so […]

The Disappearance of Hillary Clinton’s Healthcare Platform

By Benjamin Day | Common Dreams | March 30, 2016 What would happen if the media lifted the curtain on Clinton’s healthcare platform and introduced any level of scrutiny to her proposed improvements on the Affordable Care Act? In an extraordinary magic trick, performed on a national scale, Hillary Clinton’s healthcare platform has been disappeared. […]

Cultures of hate

Israelis, not Palestinians, Excel at Vengeance By Jonathan Cook | Dissident Voice | July 9, 2014 Shock and anger have engulfed Israeli and Palestinian societies since they learned last week of the barbarous murder of children from their communities. Hours after three Israeli teenagers’ bodies were located, long after their abduction, a Palestinian youth, Mohammed […]

Cultures of hate

Israelis, not Palestinians, Excel at Vengeance By Jonathan Cook | Dissident Voice | July 9, 2014 Shock and anger have engulfed Israeli and Palestinian societies since they learned last week of the barbarous murder of children from their communities. Hours after three Israeli teenagers’ bodies were located, long after their abduction, a Palestinian youth, Mohammed […]

Guess What Blanche Lincoln Has Been Up To To Make Your Life Worse Since Being Kicked Out Of The Senate?

John Boozman (R-AR) isn't a better senator than Blanche Lincoln was. When she was a congresswoman and then a senator she was generally rated an "F." Boozman is actually worse, although when you get down that low, there's no grade worse than an "F." There's no such thing as an "F-minus" or a "G." Boozman's ProgressivePunch score since he replaced Lincoln is a ridiculous 3.16 (out of 100) and for the current year, he scores a zero.