
Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahSarah Huckabee Sanders gets a lot of shit from people. People talk about what a lying sociopath she is, how unbelievably pathetic she is, and all that. They wonder how anyone can have so much low self-esteem that they can go out behind a podium every day and lie, obfuscate, and show such contempt for America; all for, Trump. Some wonder what meds she must be abusing just to do what she does, how she can face herself, etc.

You Have To Go To A Dead Language To Find The Best Definition Of Trumpism

McConnell had hoped the Senate would vote to repeal Obamacare on Thursday night. He was wrong on two counts: the Senate rejected the repeal again-- and it came on Friday morning, the 52nd anniversary of Medicare.My great-grandparents came to the U.S., refugees from the genocidal tyrannies of Eastern Europe, in the early 1900s. When I was a kid my grandmother sometimes used Yiddish words from her childhood around the house. When I was trying to think of a word to describe Trump's horrifying, degenerate, shameful and dysfunctional regime one of those words popped into my head: hegdesh.

Trump Will Rule By Public Spectacle And Humiliation

Trump led Ted Cruz into thinking he was up for the Attorney General job, all the time laughing his ass off at the despised Texas ego-maniac. He called Cruz in for a very public meeting, encouraged him to blab to the press that he was being considered to head the Department of Justice... and then promptly humiliated him by appointing an incompetent DC joke, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.

Does The Idea Of Rich People Buying Presidential Candidates Turn You Off?

At a rally in Amherst, Massachusetts yesterday, attended by between 3 and 4,000 people, Bernie addressed the structure of campaign finance: "You are not looking at democracy, you are looking at oligarchy and together we are going to put an end to it." After the rally he tweeted, "We're proud to have raised more than $33 million this quarter, with an average contribution of $27." Actually, Bernie did slightly better than that-- $33,281,952, none of it through SuperPACs, bringing

Right Wing Automaton Mike Huckabee And Benghazi!

When I was growing up, I looked forward to watching 60 Minutes every Sunday. Not so much after I grew up. For me it had lost its relevance some time in the 1980s. I haven't watched it since. So when the whole Lara Logan kerfuffle exploded, we didn't cover it here at DWT and I only followed it second and third-hand in news reports about how CBS-TV had allowed one of their reporters to twist a Benghazi story into deceitful right-wing propaganda that fit her own political agenda and then gave her a paid vacation to shut the critics up.