
Merveille de la mondialisation : Adieu Alcatel, bonjour Huawei – par Eric Juillot

500 emplois ! C’est ce que se proposent de créer les dirigeants de Huawei en France, sur le site d’une usine prochainement construite à Brumath dans le Bas-Rhin[1]. S’il faut se réjouir de chaque nouvelle de ce type – au point où nous en sommes rendus en matière de désindustrialisation –, il n’est pas interdit […]

Why Canada Must Release Meng Wan Zhou

Few things are as dangerous as a poorly thought-out kidnapping. Kidnappings are serious business, often with unintended consequences. History is replete with dim-witted criminals who engaged in them on a whim, only to discover adverse outcomes far beyond their imagining. One dramatic example happened 90 years ago this week: On October 24th, a mother with […]
The post Why Canada Must Release Meng Wan Zhou first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Double De-Coupling

The defining event of this post-Covid era (whomsoever wins in the U.S. elections), will likely be the U.S. de-coupling from China – Tech de-coupling of telecoms (from Huawei’s 5G); de-coupling from Chinese media and chat platforms; the purging of all China tech from the U.S. microchip ecosystem; the disconnecting of China from internet, from app stores, from undersea cables; and from access to U.S.

White Supremacist Intelligence Alliance Pushes China Hostage Standoff

In recent weeks movements in different countries have toppled statues and put the police and other institutions upholding systemic racism on the defensive. But, amidst unprecedented protests against racism, there has been remarkably little interest in the white supremacist foreign policy alliance currently driving conflict with China. The “Five Eyes” intelligence arrangement has faced almost no criticism for propelling the Canada-China hostage standoff.

Attorney General William Barr talks race, justice and law in America [Video]

Attorney General William “Bill” Barr has shown himself to be one of President Trump’s very best picks through the course of his first Presidential term of office. This very measured, very calm man has a gift of making legal sense out of chaotic and otherwise very passion-filled situations. It is certainly the truth that presently in the United States there are many highly passion-filled situations taking place simultaneously, and in fact, these are intertwined.