Howard Zinn

The US Left Must Unwaveringly Stand for Palestinian Freedom

The US “socialist” left currently playing the bothsides-ism game with Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the name of some bullshit notion of ‘nuance,’ must remember the words of Howard Zinn: “You can’t be neutral on a moving train.” Nothing is accomplished with an abstract support of Palestine when it’s convenient. It is when the empire’s […]

Suicide, Indian Farmers, Indigenous North Americans . . . and the Shame of Shrinks

Roland Chrisjohn, lead author of Dying to Please You: Indigenous Suicide in Contemporary Canada, more effectively than anyone I know, confronts this tragic denial by mental health professionals: through their medicalizing and diseasing of sociopolitically-fueled suicidality, they are enabling suffering and increasing suicide. Chrisjohn is Onyota’a:ka of the Haudenausaunee, has a doctorate in psychology, and […]

A History of Warring on the Homefront

Scott Noble’s latest documentary series, The War at Home, takes a deep dive into the history of labor movements and state repression in the United States. Soon to be a multi-part series, the first entry is titled “Rebellion” and can be viewed online for free [and below]. As with all of Noble’s films, The War […]
The post A History of Warring on the Homefront first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Movie Review ‘The Damp Squibel’: Cult hit or hit cult?

We don't normally do movie reviews here at BSNews. In fact, we usually concentrate exclusively on geo-politics and foreign policy, steer clear of sports and let others cover gossip and popular culture. My co-ed occasionally reveals her anthropological fascination and ultimate exasperation with the insidious twins of celebrity culture and the advertising industry but for me, I avoid them both like the plague, I never watch TV and I wouldn't know a Kardashian if one punched me in the face.

Hiroshima et Nagasaki, une nécessité pour abréger la Seconde Guerre mondiale ? Une réponse d’Howard Zinn

Hiroshima après l’atomisation de 1945
Il y a 72 ans, respectivement le 6 et le 9 août 1945, des bombes atomisaient en quelques secondes les villes d’ Hiroshima et de Nagasaki au Japon. En mémoire de cette tragédie, nous republions ici l’article rédigé en 2015 par Baptiste Mannaia pour le Cercle des Volontaires :