Howard Schultz

The Worst Democraps Who Want To Be President, Part VI: The Starbucks Guy

The Starbucks guy deserves a 60 Minutes feature? Do they think he's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or something? He isn't. He's just another super-rich, under-taxed old white guy who thinks he should be king. I think 60 Minutes would be better off-- as would America-- if they ran an interview with author Marianne Williamson, who is announcing her campaign tonight in Los Angeles. She sure has more interesting things to say than Schultz does!

The Democrats-- And The Country-- Cry Out For A Champion... It's Not The Starbucks Guy, No Matter How Many P.R. People He Hires

Howard Schultz, left of Trump... right of the Democratic PartyIf there’s one thing that people seem to think Trump proved is that virtually anyone can run for president. I suspect, though, that once he’d finally driven out of office, that isn’t going to be a consensus.

The Democrats-- And The Country-- Cry Out For A Champion... It's Not The Starbucks Guy, No Matter How Many P.R. People He Hires

Howard Schultz, left of Trump... right of the Democratic PartyIf there’s one thing that people seem to think Trump proved is that virtually anyone can run for president. I suspect, though, that once he’d finally driven out of office, that isn’t going to be a consensus.

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Doesn't Back Trump... But That Doesn't Mean They're Any Good For Anything But Being Against Trump

Self-described "non-practicing" Republican Nicolle Wallace sat in for Rachel Maddow Tuesday night. I kind of like her MSNBC appearances. Her guest-- at around the 1:30 point on the tape-- was ex-Republican Steve Schmidt. I like his appearances too. Just watch the clip above and you'll see why I enjoy these two so much-- especially the mouthy Schmidt, who just skewers Señor Trumpanzee like there's no tomorrow. But I have a warning for you, an important one. These are both conservatives (who not all that long ago were working to elect Sarah Palin).

The Grand Barista From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Wants To Run The Show. Why Isn't He A Republican?

My guess is that most of the right of center schnooks from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party are hoping Biden will run as the alternative to a Bernie/Elizabeth Warren ticket. But there are alternatives. One of the least plausible is Howard Schultz, the Starbucks guy. What a joke! And Trump's dream come true.

Leaked video shows Starbucks founder tell his employees that Trump is creating “chaos”

More liberal left hysteria, moving towards fascism, as the hate for Trump is leading prominent public figures to call on their followers to stop Trump by any means necessary.
For the radical left, the violence and hate they practice against anyone and everyone who disagrees with their neo-liberal dogma is justified. Trump represents a conservative force that stands in the way of open borders, open bathrooms, and gender fluidity…and if need be, than a totalitarian state is needed in order to suppress Trumpism.

Starbucks CEO declares support for Hillary Clinton

Starbucks “proudly serving” the occupation of Afghanistan Press TV – September 8, 2016 Howard Schultz, the founder and CEO of Starbucks, announces support for US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. In an interview with CNN, Schultz let slip which way he was voting, saying, “I’m hopeful that after the election – and hopefully Hillary Clinton […]