Howard Dean

Porkins Policy Radio episode 65 Roger Stone: The Master Manipulator

Today I discuss the infamous GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone. I talk about his history supporting anti-establishment and third party candidates in his quest to destroy them and prop up the ruling war-party and Republican establishment. I begin by explaining his role in funding, staffing, and orchestrating Al Sharpton’s 2004 presidential run. I break down how and why Stone got involved with Sharpton. I lay out that Stone’s goal in helping the paid FBI informant was more about destroying the run of ostensible anti-war candidate Howard Dean.

Would Trump's Cocaine Addiction Affect His Ability To Be President?

And you wonder why he only sleeps 3 hours a night?By the time I started working at Warner Bros Records I had long given up drugs, something I left behind with the 1960s, a dear old friend that was no longer part of my life. "Drugs," for the most part meant marijuana. Smoking weed had been an integral part of my college life and it ended there.

Why Don't Voters Trust Hillary Any More Than They Trust Rubio, Cruz, Trumpf Or Christie?

The Democratic Party Establishment, worried that too much democracy could upset their profitable little racket, instituted the idea of "super-delegates" in 1982 to gives themselves some control over the nomination process. Originally the party bosses demanded 30% of all the delegates but today the super-delegates-- current and former Democratic Party officials-- comprise 20% of the convention delegates.

Conservative Democrats Use Politics To Make Sure Their Policy Goals Aren't Threatened By Progressives

Once Rahm Emanuel got the power to fire Howard Dean as DNC chair-- the first catastrophic decision of the Obama presidency-- replacing him with 2 consecutive talentless sieves-- first Tim Kaine and then, much worse, Debbie Wasserman Schultz-- and scrapping Dean's 50-state strategy, it was apparent the Republican Party would have a free-hand in scores of districts where they could be challenged over the long term and that Washington would no longer

Chuy Garcia Money Bomb-- Rooting The Emanuel Corruption Out Of Chicago

Chicago's mayoral race is two weeks from tomorrow-- April 7. Today, Monday, is the first day of early voting. The race pits the pay-for-play politics and endemic corruption embraced by careerist and Wall Street shill Rahm Emanuel against the communities and neighborhoods of one of America's great cities trying to reclaim its dignity and its independence. The race is a neck and neck contest between Emanuel and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia.

Has Ro Khanna’s Disgraceful Campaign Against Mike Honda Finally Flamed Out?

Khanna, a corporate Democrat eager to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits to lower the tax rates for his wealthy supporters, sounds like a Republican. And Republicans and conservative pseudo-Democrats have financed his jihad against progressive icon Mike Honda in the Silicon Valley. Plenty of rich Silicon Valley tycoons with far too much money are behind Khanna’s relentless bid for office.