Howard Dean

Pelosi's Warns Against Progressives-- Progressives Need To Man Up And Warn About A Real Danger: Pelosi And Her Special Interests-Politics

Pelosi's in DC today-- back from Britain, where she spoke at the London School of Economics and laid out her political vision-- one that has, over the years, devolved from hearty progressivism to abject, loot-inspired centrism. She's officially one of them now, not one of us. In recent weeks she's been inviting actual progressives into her office to threaten them, insisting they not endorse Bernie.

The Establishment Would LOVE To Use Bernie's Age To Disqualify Him. Listen To A Big Pharma Lobbyist Bring It Up

On Thursday, former DNC chair Howard Dean was on Morning Joe telling viewers that: “The DNC did good job In Virginia but we won Virginia because of groups like Run For Something, and Indivisible and Color of Change and Voter Latino… The question is how do you coordinate all these groups.

“Warmongering jack off” Howard Dean rails against Tulsi Gabbard for wanting peace in Syria (Video)

The liberal left attack on Tulsi Gabbard is ramping up. Her crime…wanting a proper investigation of the Idlib province chemical weapons attack before launching missiles on a sovereign nation, and possibly starting WW3.
Democrats are not happy with Gabbard’s thoughtful and logical stance, and want her removed from Congress.

Democrats attack Tulsi Gabbard, want her removed from Congress

No room for free speech. No dissent. No skepticism. Neocons, Democrats, liberal leftists…all united to remove Assad, prop up ISIS and begin WW3.
The warmonger knives are coming out for Gabbard in what is looking like Iraq WMDs all over again.

Gabbard spoke with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer who all of a sudden finds Trump very presidential and capable.