
Hodeida Residents Brace for the Worst as UN Truce Falters Amid Saudi Military Buildup

HODEIDA, YEMEN — Hundreds of residents from across Yemen’s Red Sea port city of Hodeida took to the streets for the third straight day, calling on the United Nations to take action to implement a troop withdrawal deal between the Houthis and the Saudi-led Coalition that was reached on February 19th. Residents waved Yemeni flags, Kalashnikovs, and banners emblazoned with slogans accusing Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies of undermining the agreement and prolonging the suffering of Yemeni children.

Yemen’s Houthis Refute Pompeo’s Accusations of Hodeida Truce Violations

HODEIDA, YEMEN — Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the head of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, said that the Houthis’ withdrawal from Hodeida refuted recent allegation made by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, tweeting, “Pompeo’s accusations are refuted by the steps of redeployment at the port of Hodeida and the submission of positive proposals.”

Houthi Drone Attack on Saudi Military Parade in Yemen Kills Top Coalition Officials

LAHEJJ, YEMEN — Yemen’s military, loyal to the Houthis, launched a retaliatory drone attack against a Saudi-led coalition military parade at Saudi Arabia’s Al-Anad airbase in Yemen’s southern province of Lahejj, killing several military personnel.
Saudi state-owned media confirmed that multiple high-ranking officials were killed and several others injured when a combat drone struck an airbase where a military parade was taking place.

Yemen’s Hodeida Region Rocked by New Saudi Attack as Fragile Truce is Shaken

HODEIDA, YEMEN — The fragile Yemeni truce reached in peace talks in Sweden in December is at risk after the Saudi-led coalition launched a military campaign this past weekend to control al Jah al Aseel in Beit al Faqih, south of Yemen’s port city of Hodeida, risking another brutal cycle of violence.
The move comes after five UAE ships landed in Yemen’s southwestern city of Mocha over the weekend loaded with dozens of armored vehicles, heavy weapons, and various weapons carriers, according to a local source speaking to MintPress News on the condition of anonymity.

UN Arrives in Hodeida to Monitor Fragile Truce Amid Repeated Saudi Violations

HODEIDA, YEMEN — Dutch Major General Patrick Cammaert chaired a joint UN committee in Hodeida, Yemen on Wednesday to monitor the truce between the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis that was put into place on December 18.
A UN monitoring team, led by Cammaert, arrived in the port city on Monday after traveling from the Saudi-controlled city of Aden, and earlier from Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, where they met with Houthi officials on Sunday. The team arrived in Yemen on Saturday to oversee the fragile truce reached during recent UN-brokered peace talks in Sweden.

Before the Ink Could Dry: Saudis Violate Yemen Truce with Fierce Attacks on Hodeida

HODEIDA, YEMEN — Hope was quickly dashed for the residents of Yemen’s Hodeida after a week of peace talks in Sweden initially gave rise to a ceasefire between Houthi forces and the Saudi-led coalition.  But instead of peace, the sounds of fierce clashes and coalition fighter jets re-echo throughout the province.

UN Expectations Low for Difficult Yemen Negotiations Now Underway in Sweden

RIMBO, SWEDEN — Among the issues under discussion in Yemen peace negotiations currently underway in Sweden — the first such talks between the Saudi-led Coalition and Ansar Allah in two years — are potential humanitarian corridors, a prisoner swap, the reopening of the defunct Sana’a International Airport, and the fate of the crucial port city of Hodeida.

With Peace Talks on the Horizon, Saudis Defy Truce to Redouble Deadly Strikes on Yemen’s Civilians

HAJJAH, YEMEN — In a remote area in Mustaba, Hajjah, southwestern Yemen, two volunteers push through the rubble of a partially collapsed home hit by an airstrike. Onlookers shield their mouths and noses from the dust and stench of corpses of those who perished beneath. A rescue worker pulls out the skeletons of children and women from under the rubble.  

With Saudis’ Global Backers Backing Away, Yemeni Factions Prepare for Peace Talks

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — Peace in Yemen could not come at a more crucial time. Yemeni factions are preparing for peace talks in Sweden at the end of November while Saudi Arabia faces intense scrutiny and pressure from its Western allies, as well as possible action from the United Nations Security Council, for leaving nearly 22 million Yemenis requiring urgent humanitarian aid at the mercy of the famine and disease that the Saudi-led coalition has leveraged as weapons of war.