
Saudi Crown Prince Heads to Texas With Oil on His Mind

(MEE) — Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s stop in Houston on Saturday will shift his focus to Saudi Arabia’s reliance on oil at a time when the kingdom looks to diversify its economy. Houston often gets cited as the energy centre of the United States, as the sprawling Texas city has thousands of refineries, petrochemical plants and […]

Incredibly, Pelosi Still Hasn't Fired Ben Ray Luján-- How Many States Does He Have To Screw Up Before She Does?

DCCC's fearless leaderTomorrow is the first step in the process of Texans deciding who will represent them in Congress. Although the state is one of the most gerrymandered in the country, demographics-- and an enormous anti-Trump backlash-- seem to be negating GOP gerrymandered advantages in many districts. Not all though.

Hurricane Harvey Destroyed 1 Million Cars, More Than Any Single Event in US History

(ANTIMEDIA) Houston, TX — It is estimated that Hurricane Harvey caused $125 billion in damage last year, making it the second-costliest storm to ever hit the United States. In terms of dollars, only 2005’s Hurricane Katrina was more destructive. But there’s one area where Harvey takes the top spot. According to a new report from Car and Driver, the Category 4 storm, which reached […]

Who Is Hector Morales?

Gene Green is one of the worst Democrats in Congress-- very conservative and very corrupt, a pairing that you often find together. And he's retiring early. No realistic explanation why since he's been raising money hand over first all year. He raised $474,164 so far this year and has a campaign war-chest with $1,272,398 as of the September 30 FEC filing deadline.

Harvey Recovery: High Amounts of Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Houston Area

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, a preliminary air sampling taken by Houston’s Health Department shows a heavy concentration of the carcinogen benzene.

(ANTIMEDIA) Houston, Texas — On Tuesday health officials in Houston confirmed the presence of high levels of the carcinogen benzene in a neighborhood near the local Valero Energy refinery.

The BBC’s Climate Denialism: Coverage Of Hurricane and the South Asian Floods

In J.G. Ballard’s classic novel, The Drowned World, people are struggling for survival on a post-apocalyptic, overheating planet. A ‘sudden instability in the Sun’ has unleashed increased solar radiation, melting the polar ice caps and causing global temperatures to rise by a few degrees each year. Once-temperate areas, such as Europe and North America, have become flooded tropical lands, ‘sweltering under continuous heat waves’.